We are living in an intertwined system of psychological and chemical warfare with a psychiatric side to it (2)

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix. Before I go on to a little bit about spraying and what the real boys are up to and they’ve been up to for a long time in fact, I’m going to mention something from the Home of Democracy, Britain, England, and this is an article from the ‘Daily Mail’ 23rd of November and it says here:

‘Children are to be tracked in school via radio chips sewn into their uniforms. The manufacturer is marketing the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) surveillance system nationwide, following a trial with 19 pupils at Hungerhill School in Doncaster this year. The chip is embroidered into school uniforms using conductive ‘smart threads’.

Alan: That gives a whole new meaning to ‘nice threads, dude.’

…A teacher can then scan these to view the pupil’s identity, photo, whether they misbehaved in lessons and their school attendance record. Hungerhill headteacher Graham Wakeling said the pilot was “not intrusive to the pupil in the slightest” because tracking would not go beyond the school’s gates.’

Alan: And I’ll add ‘not yet’ to that one.

‘However, the chip has drawn criticism from civil liberties groups. David Clouter, from LeaveThemKidsAlone, a campaign group, was appalled by the idea. ‘To put this in a school badge is complete and utter surveillance of the children. Tagging is what we do to criminals we let out of prison early,’ he said.’

Alan: It’s also what we’ve been doing to animals for a long time. That’s really what it is, it’s a sort of farming and farmers must ID their property.

‘The chips were developed by Danrbro Ltd, which was set up by Andy Stewart, an ICT teacher at Hungerhill School, and a school uniform company. Schools could fit scanners to doors or give teachers hand-held scanners to identify pupils entering or exiting rooms. Darnbro said their product can “trace a pupil’s every step during the school day” and that the system can be set up to limit access to doors, such as shutting the main doors of a school to pupils during class time. Mr. Stewart, 36, said the system would cost about £2000 for a small primary school and up to £14,000 for an average-sized secondary, according to the Times Educational Supplement. The Department for Children, Schools and Families supports the use of electronic registration to improve safety and security and reduce truancy.’

Alan: So there we have it. I mean we all expected this because it’s a done deal. It’s a done deal. In fact, in the ’90’s on CBC television in Canada Wendy Mesley had a show, an interview with different heads of corporations that were going to make the new ID card, long before 9/11 came along. The one that is coming out next year with the active chip in it and all the rest of it was shown on television then, in the ’90’s, and when she said to this particular manufacturer, “what makes you think the public will accept this?” He said, “they’ll be given no choice.” You see all the big plans and all these big things are made at the top levels outside of the realm of what we think of as politics. It’s a form of fascism because fascism technically when your government leaders are all in bed with big corporations. That’s the definition of it you see and we’ve had this for quite a long time, quite a long time.

The guys who you vote in are simply allowed competition for brownie points to get up the ladder to higher positions within government, but they’re not the bosses and Professor Carroll Quigley said that in his own books, ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy & Hope,’ that they always put their own boys in at the top of all parties. They’re vetted before the public even hear their names.

However, this ID has been on the go for a long time and whenever technology comes along it’s always used on the public. This should really raise an alarm for the people, if they were fully functional people, but most folk are not. They are not fully functional. They’ve gone through an incredible life of inoculations where everyone has been squirted with this stuff, all kinds, and even the doctors that give you these inoculations don’t even know what’s in it. It’s all based on faith, all the way from the manufacturer, but you don’t know what’s in it. We can certainly see the effects of it. That’s a whole different story in itself.

When you see the scientific indoctrination we’ve all grown up with, it was on the go in the ’50’s onwards the scientific indoctrination and improving with every generation, every few years really, from kindergarten onwards, then you see the effects today and especially when the people have been trained that the media is literally some kind of partner with you. It’s there to use logic on your behalf. It’s there to reason on your behalf and tell you all the things that you should really, really know. Most people really believe that. When I was young the news used to come on the one television station we had in Britain. At the time it was the BBC and they had one newscast and that was at 6 p.m. every night and eventually they started to step it up and it became at 9 o’clock and then it became 10 and then 11 o’clock, because they knew that when you’re staying up — that’s behavior modification, by the way, you’re changing your pattern of behavior to stay up for the news. That’s behavior modification and you’re in a somnambulistic state when it’s late on at night and the censor part of your brain is in slumber land and you’re being indoctrinated in a heavy, heavy style and you don’t question what you’re hearing, but that becomes your conversation pieces the next day. You talk about what you heard on the news but you don’t question what was downloaded into you and that’s why they chose 11 p.m. newscasts.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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