Thousands of migrants arrived in El Paso-bound caravan in America. Is there the same pattern of the staged 2018 migrant caravan?

Do you remember the blog published on this site titled “The 2018 migrant caravan that headed to the southern border of the U.S. – the deceit”?

Do you recall how this site has shown what had truly happened during the above migrant caravan and how did the media deceive you?

Do you recall how in another blog, this site has shown that behind such staged caravan was the elitist George Soros and that the motive was a political one?

The U.S. has continued and continues to witness the influx of thousands of migrants, very similar to the one above. On 28th March 2024, the New York Post reported that “Thousands of migrants set to arrive in massive, El Paso-bound caravan in just a few days.” The media portal reported how it was anticipated that a fresh caravan of 2,000 migrants may arrive in El Paso, Texas, within the next few days as it heads north to the US border. “Videos posted online” showed “a swarm of people walking through the streets of southern Mexico on Monday”.”In one clip,  an apparent leader could be seen encouraging the group through a bullhorn to chant ‘A la frontera’ — meaning ‘To the border. ‘The group proclaimed in Spanish, ‘We are not criminals, we are international workers.’

 According to Border Report, Church-run border shelters, which are near capacity to accommodate the thousands of migrants attempting to enter the country, were getting ready for the group’s arrival.

Do you notice similarities with the 2018 event and this one?

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