The New Secular Order: NOVO ORDO SECLORUM

“Alan Watt: Now we’ve got Ryan in New York. Are you there, Ryan?

Ryan: Hey. Can you hear me?

Alan: Yes.

Ryan: In New York there’s a county, Nassau County, and when you driving in to the village it says ‘incorporated village of Freeport. Partners with Waldorf, Germany.’ What would that be about?

Alan: I’m not so sure about the Waldorf, Germany, but I know about the Waldorf Hotel and all the rest of it, very, very famous family. See anything that has in it the NSA word, for instance, in Hebrew a NASI, almost like Nazi, means the head, the head man of the Sanhedrin; and it’s the same thing with the NSA (National Security Agency). If you speak it, it’s ‘nasa,’ same thing, or NASA is the same thing. Again, they love these words over and over and all around you, especially in the high sciences that are running the world for you. They’re talking about the head, in a sense. There’s a lot of interesting places around New York and even the fact they have Rhode Island there and New York is what they call the Empire State — what empire are they talking about? It’s a world empire because the whole country was set up to be a New World Order to run a new secular order, NOVO ORDO SECLORUM, and that’s what they’re fulfilling. This is why they set the United States up and Franklin himself said that he hoped it would be the embryo and so did Jefferson. The embryo, these consolidated states of a consolidation of world states, eventually, run by a council or a government of 12 wise men, because they were all cabalists as well you see and High Masons. The ancient Rhodes in the upper Mediterranean or Aegean Sea area at one time was the trading capital of the ancient world and that’s why you have a Rhodes there, too, and the statute they had, the Colossus of Rhodes, was the same thing you’ve got down there with the Statue of Liberty with the light held up as well. It was the same thing.

They built a massive one in Rhodes and it fell down during an earthquake a long time ago. Everything they’ ve done in the past is brought back again into the present and these characters have gone down through the ages; and I’m not talking about a particular big group of people. I’m talking about the ones who hold the power and the money and who can be the head of all types of denominations as well. They always make sure they are, and money is the key to it and whoever controls the money controls the world. It’s very, very simple. We’re all trained for money, nothing else, just money, and we can starve to death if we have no money, even though there’s plenty of food around. It’s a crazy system but they’ve conditioned the Ancient World up to the present world with this particular system and they use their old symbols over and over again. They also have I think it’s a New Babylon as well down there in New York as well. I mean why would you put a Babylon up there if you were held there as captives? Why not a Dachau or something? Would you name it that? Of course you wouldn’t, so why would they name a place like that and give it that kind of name? There’s a lot of societies within groups of people that keep themselves very secretive, but you’ll find the tops of some of these societies have incredible ancestries and again they interbreed with people of all denominations. They run all denominations, all major religions and they have for an awful, awful long time.

Ryan: Yes. It’s funny the villages there was in a time in the mid to the late ’90’s the cop cars turned black.

Alan: Yes. Then too you have Manhattan and that’s anything with ATON in it. ATON is a sun god from Ancient Egypt, so it’s the man of the sun god as well. It’s amazing when you look at maps and you see it all. You’ve got Memphis (Tennessee) — why would they call a place Memphis in this so called “Christian Country” that came mainly from Europe? The symbols are everywhere and you’re looking at very ancient symbols of some very powerful families that control the monied system, the commerce system and the people that actually respect and look up to them. They control all of that. They own it basically.

Ryan: It seems like the instinct to fight back has been bred out, as so many people know, and nobody is really doing anything.

Alan: They won’t because most folk don’t care. In this world and they’ve done study after study and they did at universities across the western world for the last 80-odd years and asked them would they really care what flag they wore or who ran the world, if they can still continue doing the things they like to do the most? Consistently the studies show that 85 percent of the public don’t care. They don’t care as long they can fulfill their happy habits and so on and do their little routine things. They really don’t care, so I think that’s always been that way, to be honest with you, and 3 percent of the population run the world. They own the world basically; 7 percent or so are their helpers: military, police et cetera and bureaucrats; and 3 percent are the ones who know but don’t belong to the societies. They don’t have the financial power in this financial system to do much about it.

Ryan: And the tactics of some of these — because even when I show people the [Nicolas cancer] video on YouTube. They just resort to they don’t like the way Nicholas doesn’t sound educated or something. They think it’s something to say.

Alan: As I say, people are conditioned again to only listen to experts — and this is why even the patriot radio and so on they’ll bring out professors and they’ll bring out doctors and people who worked for the military in high positions and the more so, because they’ve indoctrinated you. You’ve been indoctrinated into a military style culture and so when these guys come out from the spook agencies or spy agencies or whatever and start telling little bits and pieces, you swallow everything you say without questioning the fact that every one of them signed a National Security Statement saying they could never divulge anything under the Security Act, so how come they can tell the public? They’re still working for the government generally. They’ve kept the patriots running in circles for decades and decades.

Ryan: There’s so much going on in the screen that you kind of just coil up like a Pavlovian dog and you just resort to what’s familiar, like, oh, she’s pretty and it’s pleasant what she’s saying. He’s a father figure, you know a Dan Rather guy.

Alan: Now that’s correct. You get the same things over and over and over again and I always tell people to question everything, even what I say, go and check it out and try and I try and get the details where they can check out what I say; and I don’t give opinions generally on things. I don’t tell people how to vote. I don’t believe the voting makes any difference whatsoever. I mean Carroll Quigley told us the truth. He said that they always put their own men in at the top of all parties and the top advisers as well. That’s all you have to do. The lesser politicians are allowed a form of competition to get brownie points, but everyone at the top is already vetted long before the public even hear their names. That’s why the agenda continues intergenerationally. It doesn’t matter who you vote in or out; and then for the other groups, the ones who are trying to get things changed and patriots and so on, they always give you a middle person who says all the right things, but we know. You see, when you have a military-industrial complex and the U.S. is made up — a good part of its industry has always been military-industrial complex, so much so that Truman had a meeting right at the end of World War II and they decided then they’d have to have ongoing wars, he says, because the economy would collapse and we’d go back into 1920’s type Depression.

They always have wars going and any one person who is put up there, even by some incredible fluke and miracle, who came out of the blue somewhere and got in there, he’d be dead before he opened his mouth. We saw that with Kennedy. Kennedy talked about the secret societies that run and he was meaning as well, not just the Masons, them too, he was also talking about all the other sects including the Council on Foreign Relations that make your policy for the future and they give it. They write it out. They wrote out the implementation for the Americas and gave it to the governments. They boasted about it on television here. These are societies, we know their names and so on, but these societies are essentially very secretive. They give out stuff for the public consumption, but the rest you have to be members to get the nitty-gritty and the minutes of their meetings. They pick basically — Professor Carroll Quigley was the official historian for the CFR. He was in the record-keeping place at the Pratt Building in New York and he had access to all that. He also had access to the Chatham House one in London, England, the main one, The Royal Institute of International Affairs and he had all the records and he gives you another version of history. That’s why he filled in all the blank bits and gave us the reasons and the purpose and the kind of world they were bringing us into. It’s a world where we won’t need politicians anyway and you’ll be run by experts.

Officially authorized experts will run every facet of your life and we’re now going through the conditioning process to bring us to that stage. You’ve got government intrusion in homes now, even though you thought they were private. Well, let’s not kid ourselves. You don’t own anything if you can be taxed out of it. You can’t own it and be taxed out of it at the same time. It’s one or the other. Now they want intrusions into your homes to check your furnaces, check this, check that, your fire alarms and yah-de-yah-de-yah. This is what they did in the British system. That’s where they got it from because in the majority of homes up to Maggie Thatcher’s day were owned by the local councils. Your taxpayer money paid for all these homes. She privatized them and sold them off, but you had inspectors coming round all the time and making you feel so inadequate like a peasant and everybody scurried and looked down at the floor when these inspectors came. That’s all to bring you down to a groveling inferior type of being. That is the whole purpose of it to get it through our heads that we own nothing.

Ryan: Well thank you and I enjoy your books. It’s like a different book every time you read it.

Alan: Yes it is. Thanks for calling.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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