The future is always planned ahead by those who are in power and it’s not going to be a free society at all

“Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and trying to point out some reality to people – reality that’s beyond your conditioning. We’re all conditioned from childhood onwards to be patriotic, to do the normal cultural things everyone else is doing, including, if need be, to grow up to be nice little soldiers and stuff like this. We don’t realize that this is planned. The future is always planned ahead by those who are in power. That’s what George Orwell talked about in ‘1984’, ongoing warfare, and you must remember even revolutions are part of the big structure of this plan – ongoing eternal revolutions to this ultimate superman image, this godlike creature that will supposedly evolve. We know they’re going to make it evolve by scientific means, but it’s not going to be a free society at all.

It’s going to be a society of an elite, which has been talked about again going back to the days of Plato. He called them The Guardian Class. We have Charles Galton Darwin in his book ‘The Next Million Years’ talking about the elite themselves not altering themselves or dumbing themselves down like they will the public; and he talked about that too, by the way. He talked about keeping the elite sentient because they will be steering the ship, planet earth, to the future through society. The masses of the public wouldn’t need their ability to solve problems because the state would be doing it all for them, right down to the individual, that’s what he meant; and it’s happened with most people. They live under Big Brother and they don’t mind. I’ve said for years that most folk will love socialism. They already do. It’s nice to think you can be Peter Pan and live forever and never grow up and deal with the problems of being an adult.

That’s what people really prefer, because being an adult means you have to understand things and make decisions and act upon them, even moral decisions. That’s something people would rather cop out of. It’s a heavy burden in your personal life or even to do something for others that you
might not ever meet in your lifetime.

If you have no empathy for those you never meet who are dying in other countries, courtesy of your taxpayer money, then why should anyone care about you when the big eating machine comes around to your door? That’s what it’s all about because compassion for others is a survival
mechanism. People survive in groups through massive disasters. That’s when they help each other. If you don’t care about other people they won’t care about you, which means your survival instinct has been destroyed and that’s also what big writers like Arthur Koestler talked about in ‘The Ghost in the Machine.’ This wonderful man who worked for MIS, coupled with the CIA by the way, and gave you your culture all through the ’50, ’60’s, ’70’s and still do today. That’s now exposed. It’s been declassified information. He worked with Bertrand Russell on books and unfortunately with Blair as well (George Orwell). They all worked together and they didn’t always get on, mind you, because they all had tremendous egos. At least Russell did and so did Koestler, and Russell was always hitting on Koestler’s wife so they couldn’t make a good working team.

I’ll talk about this perhaps next week more of it when I come back. On a cold winter night up in Ontario, Canada, it’s good night from Hamish my dog and myself.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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