The Big Boys have created a hedonistic society where each person lives in their own little bag of cotton wool

“Hi folks. I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on November 16th, 2007. Newcomers, look into my website and download as much information as you wish. It’s all free and for those who want the transcripts in the tongues of Europe, look into where once again you can download them for free.

However, remember I don’t have sponsors here. I run on the wishes of the people and when the people stop me from running and talking I’ll simply stop, so it’s up to you. This is brought to the people by the people and I could have other sponsors, mind you, but I would have talking ads as
I bring guests on and that’s they generally are. I prefer to come straight out and give you the basic information that matters in this world and trying to keep the commercial side separate.

We live in this commercial system and everyone depends on it and it will be that way until we either change it through some miracle or the big boys themselves that run the entire system change it, which they plan to do of course eventually. They’ll give us tokens of one kind or another, like Bertrand Russell said, that will be deposited into your bank account by the government, which is just an arm really of the big institutes that run the real system behind the scenes. I’ve gone on about that so much in the past and I will keep doing it because these big institutions are completely interlocked; completely interlocked with their own branches melding with the ones next to them interlaced and that’s how they can keep this agenda steamrolling ahead at one incredible pace right now. In fact it’s never been so out in the open, but they also know too they’ve never had a population so dumbed down, drugged down, inoculated down and sprayed from the skies and mind-bombed by television as the present generation. That’s why they can afford to be so open.

It’s a form of boasting, really, when they present evidence to you knowing that the vast majority of the public will completely ignore it. They have created a hedonistic society as they said they would do. Hedonism is where each person lives in their own little bag of cotton wool and they like to feel nice and warm and fuzzy and they don’t want to know the bad news because they’re technically selfish. They’re disassociated from those around them. They have no interest in what happens in the world outside their cocoon and all information is piped into them via that crazy mechanism of television, where fact is blended with fiction until it’s surrealistic and completely bizarre.

Now even when you read mainstream horror stories and there’s so many out everyday, I get lots coming in here and you don’t know which ones to pick really from mainstream news. At the side of their sites they have all the bizarro ads next to murders and people getting slaughtered and
people getting tortured. You have these ads to buy things all jumping out in flash players and so on, all flashing these ads at you, which makes what you’re reading surrealistic again, not real in a sense, bizarre, and that’s intentional. That’s all intentional because Bertrand Russell himself said
they’d bring the big advertising agencies, Madison Avenue, into this to help control the minds of the public. I’ll be back with more of the horror show after these messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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