Random reflections of minds undoing indoctrination XV

If the media isn’t reporting on it, the tech companies are censoring it, and both are ‘debunking’ it, then you should probably look into it.

When refusing experimental drugs is selfish, promoting natural remedies is dangerous, and loving your freedom is racist, you know the devil has been hard at work.

If you inject toxins in a child starting from the moment they are born, you will never know if it really was ‘just your genetics.’

They lied to your grandparents, which means your grandparents lied to your parents, and in turn your parents lied to you. If you do not wake up to the truth, you are going to lie to your children. Do not feed your children the same lies that you ate. Unlock their brains to the truth, so they never repeat the lies of yesterday.

The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible. Every single cell of the human body remains coded with one’s birth gender for life.

The news is trauma based mind control. You are not being informed. You are being manipulated.

The people who lied about Russia collusion, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Ukraine War, the Israeli War, and everything about Covid and the vaccine, are concerned about you spreading ‘harmful’ misinformation.

When is the last time you went to a mainstream doctor because of an issue, and they asked you a whole bunch of follow-up questions about your diet, symptom onset, recent illnesses and their resolution, exercise habits, stress and so forth, before attempting to diagnose you or find the root cause?

Cheering for war is a stain on your soul no matter which team you cheer for. Even if you are cheering for the one the TV told you to.

The more they keep on giving more funding for Ukraine, the more it appears that they are giving free lessons and doing free practice on how to sink an economy.

Most of you think everything is a conspiracy or paranoia. But the reality is, every dark truth is just coming to the light as prophesied. And only those who are spiritually awake, can discern it.

Debt is the slavery of the free.

X (Formerly Twitter)