Organ harvesters dismember viable babies in utero to ‘skirt’ partial-birth abortion laws

In another blog, we have seen how a Congressional panel in America heard how aborted baby organs are sold on the black market, in a massive scale.

In this series, we will go through the shocking revelations, one by one, that were made by the two investigators “David Daleiden and Terrisa Bukovinac, who have spent years uncovering the horrific practices of fetal organ harvesting and trafficking. The investigators delivered graphic and gut-wrenching testimony stating how the “industrial-scale abortion business” brokers lucrative deals for fetal organs taken from live babies, dismembers viable babies in utero to “skirt” partial-birth abortion laws, sells baby scalps for university research experiments, and targets minority babies for organ harvesting. They also stated this fetal organ harvesting is largely taxpayer funded.”

What were the revelations made?

The first is that “organ harvesters dismember viable babies in utero to ‘skirt’ partial-birth abortion laws”. “During the hearing, an undercover video displayed a chief medical officer from a Planned Parenthood facility discussing dismembering live unborn babies in an attempt to avoid violating the federal partial-birth abortion ban.”

“What the chief medical officer is describing [in the video] is how…they can try and skirt the federal law against partial birth abortion,” Daleiden stated. “Where if the baby…is being pulled out of the mother with the forceps past the baby’s umbilical cord, which is one of the anatomical landmarks which is written into the federal partial birth abortion law, that if they’re afraid that it’s getting too close to an obvious partial birth abortion situation that the doctor will take one set of forceps, hold the body of the four or five or six-month-old baby at the woman’s cervix and then use a second set of forceps to pull off a leg or two from the fetus and then allow the rest of the baby to be delivered.”

The researchers clarified that because a baby’s torso is delivered intact, giving them access to the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, this is the moment when fetal organ harvesters “get excited.” They did point out that the infant does not die when its legs are severed; it is born alive.

Daleiden stated that “[They are] mutilating a four or five or six-month-old baby while it’s being delivered in order to try to cover up their violation of the federal partial birth abortion law in order to sell more aborted baby body parts.”

Planned Parenthood mandates that its abortionists sign a “intent statement” stating that, when performing a late-term abortion, they do not intend to perform a partial-birth abortion. However, testimony revealed that the abortionists view this as merely a “check in the box” that “immunizes” them from any wrongdoing.

“It’s obviously a legal fiction,” stated Daleiden.

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