On Victor Rothschild and LSD

Alan Watt: “Everything has a purpose and everything has been done by the same characters at the top. Same with LSD, they were experimenting with that in the 1950’s and Victor Rothschild* was head of the laboratories at the time, Porton Down military establishment, and he was testing it out on agents of MI5 and 6, and that’s in Peter Wright’s book. He was a member of MI6, a real one, because he was put into court for talking about it by Margaret Thatcher and that’s what he said. Victor Rothschild was the guy who was using the stuff before they gave it to the public to see the effects on the young, coupling it with what they call the ‘pop industry’, pop for father. The rock came later. The rock is the foundation, the foundation of the high brotherhood, masonry. Then you’ve got heavy metal following because it’s injected into you with all the inoculations. They give you mercury who’s the messenger that brings you the message. You get the message. That’s your heavy metal and then the IQs all dropped and it’s got worse since then.
Everything has another purpose and it’s always done in a mocking form because they love to mock the victim. That’s how it works.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


*Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild (1910-1990) was a biologist and senior member of the Rothschild family in England. He served as an adviser on intelligence and science to both Conservative and Labour Governments.

Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild

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