How experiments are used on a mass scale on the unaware public

Alan Watt: “Now I think we have a Tin in California here. Are you there, Tim?

Tim: Yes I’m here. I called you a few months ago. I was talking about how I was being harassed with small planes and large jet aircrafts and things like this. You said that the reason why it was probably happening was because when I was younger all the psychological you take in elementary school and so on they use that kind of as a guide to see what’s average. I got to thinking about it and I started realizing that even when I was at that young age for some reason I realized those tests were not just to be used for them for their purposes, so I think what I did was kind of in my own head try and score as average as possible, because what you were saying they look for the most average and the average person will be tested.

Alan: Hold on and we’ll talk about this when we come back from this break. Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we’re talking to Tim from California that had some kind of harassment going on. Are you still there, Tim?

Tim: Yes, I’m here.

Alan: What you’ll find is that experiments have been going on for over 100 years and longer, by picking individuals who never know what’s even happening to them and using technologies on them. You know Alexander Graham Bell was trying voice-to-skull technologies back in his day, and he didn’t start it because his father before him started up the same organization for the deaf and so on and he wanted to find a way to electronically produce voice-to-skull technology. This is where all this stuff came from. It was with these big experimenters and the big military boys, as always, catch on to it and think about it as a weapon. However, the best way to test these things out is to use it on people who have no idea what’s happening to them. I often wonder how many people down through the ages have ended up in mental asylums because they’ve been hearing voices; and this is out in the open now. This is old technology, very old technology.

They also put people in certain situations and then with hidden cameras and so on they observe their reactions and how they work. Psychology classes will show you a lot of these experiments on classrooms; school classrooms were fantastic ways to put a perfect little laboratory where
they have no idea they were being watched and observed by their every movements as certain situations were introduced into classrooms; and then even waiting rooms in doctors places and so on. This is old stuff. It’s been done on a massive scale to watch ordinary peoples’ reactions in
specific circumstances and it’s used now on a mass scale on the public. I know of a group in the U.S. and it’s primarily women who lived on naval bases and they were getting voice-to-skull and various things happening to them and it turns out that the HAARP technologies, the frequencies
that they were using back in those days worked mainly on young children and women. It all ties together eventually when you get the evidence gradually leaking out as it becomes almost obsolete and the governments are — whenever they release something that means they’re way beyond that now onto something even bigger and they won’t tell you about that until 20 years or so has passed, what they’re doing today.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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