We will eventually be mandated to be chipped because we will not be given any options (2)

‘…RFID outreach initiative in the United States to educate the general public…’

They’re going to brainwash the public. That’s what educate the public means. They call it raising public consciousness or awareness. That means you’re going to get a thought implanted in your head that they’ve arranged for you to perceive in a certain way. It’s all like a packaged thought.

…and policy makers about the myriad consumer benefits of RFID technologies will bring to the public. The campaign will also provide relevant, timely examples of consumer- oriented RFID applications, dispel myths promoting public concern…’

In other words, eradicate the truth. ‘…about the technology, and correct inaccuracies…’ In other words, they’re going to lie. ‘…and misperceptions about the usage of RFID in society today.’

Alan: They’re going to completely turn it upside down and make you think it’s just wonderful.

‘The outreach initiative, already underway carries the overarching theme of ‘RFID: Making the World a Better Place,’…’Making it a better place. Better is a good word, a positive word, comfy word, so we’ll like this terminology.

‘…and focuses on the convenience…’ Convenience is good too. ‘safety…’ That’s good. ‘and security…’ Oh, that’s all the rage.

\‘..that RFID brings to consumers’ daily lives. AIM Global executives are overseeing the orchestration…’ Orchestras are nice. Music is nice. ‘…of the campaign…’ Campaign is a war word. We should rethink that word. ‘…with execution…’

That’s bad too. ‘handled by Abelson Group, Inc., a New York, N.Y.-based marketing and communications firm specializing in the technology and telecommunications sectors. The RFID outreach initiative includes the involvement of members of the organization’s education and
public policy committee…’

So the guys who work for the advertising campaign and their policy is going to push this and silver will cross many palms. Many palms will have their palms crossed with silver handshakes, including guys in government if it’s not already done, because this is a must be operation so we become to love the RFID and you won’t want to leave home without it.

The important program, which entails extensive media relations…’

You buy off the media, you see.

‘.,.outreach and contributed article and op-ed placements…’

That means they’ll put big things in newspapers that will really be ads for it or stories about how wonderful it is. That’s what that means is to make it sound like it’s wonderful but it’s really big ads to brainwash you.

‘spotlights a wide range of RFID applications, consumer benefits, and ongoing industry activities for self-regulation. AIM Global intends to showcase the viability and versatility of RFID technologies in familiar environments, and illustrate how RFID is already improving consumer quality of life through such innovations as the automated payment of toll road fees…’

In other words, when you’re getting shafted you don’t feel it so painfully. It’s automatic.

‘…and public transit fares, the authentication of prescription medications…’

Oh. ‘.. food safety…’

What do they care about food since they’ve altered it all for us?

‘…and homeland security enhancements…’

Enhancements. Homeland security is an enhancement and that sounds wonderful. Home and enhancements all in the same little phrase there. This is how you do psycholinguistics. It’s all in the way it’s worded and most people read this stuff and it sounds like wonderful. It’s like a little novel you’re reading and how these altruistic business people, the top business people are going to make their lives better because they care about them and they think of them all the time. That’s what this is about. It’s psycholinguistics.

‘…the quick check-out of library materials…’

No one goes there anymore.

‘…and the tracking of the locations and progress of participants in marathons and other races’.

We really care about that, don’t we?

‘AIM Global has an important role as an industry educator…’

Do you realize that industry is all there to educate us and to educate all the other industries too?

‘…and advocate, and serves as a strong, positive, and proactive…’ Here’s proactive again.

‘…voice on specific challenges confronting its diverse international membership,’ said Dan Mullen, president of AIM Global. ‘From its inception, AIM Global has been committed to worldwide leadership…’

Oh my goodness. I wish they’d get something new. These terms are becoming antiquated with overuse.

‘…within the RFID industry by providing factual online and offline materials, and by delivering unbiased knowledge and understanding for all things RFID. This awareness initiative is simply a logical extension of that role and commitment.’

Now this is one of the big, big companies including the PR companies and this has a lot of PR in it, public relations, in its write-up here. They always bring out the big ones at the top of the pyramid to oversee all the lesser companies and this one is really giving the other ones their orders, because the world they’re bringing in has been shown to us in probably about a thousand science fiction movies to do with how we’re all going to get chipped and watched and followed and tracked and they know where you are at all times and it’s all for the general good. The good of all, you see, but the ones at the top won’t have this kind of surveillance, it’s for your lot down there, because the world that they’re bringing into view is going to be a radically different world than the one you know now. Not that the one we know now is that great, because it’s completely dysfunctional. It’s getting to the end of its stage or its age. It’s been made to be dysfunctional with the massive indoctrinations we’ve had, with the massive changes going on so rapidly and with the big changes to do with even money itself.

What on earth is money today?

It’s a bunch of numbers in someone’s computer — numbers that you have no say over as to the value of. I’ll be back with more after these messages.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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