On a Facebook post, Dr. Franco Debono, while citing the survey by Malta Today which shows that “the Labour Party is solidly in pole position with a 10-point lead over the Nationalist Party in MaltaToday’s second survey on voting intentions for June’s MEP election”, points at the failures of former prime minister Dr. Lawrence Gonzi and invites him for a public debate:
“Is-survey tal-bieraħ wera li s-sitwazzjoni li ħalla Gonzi fil-PN ta’ partit midjun, mifrud u tellief għada eżatt l-istess ħdax-il sena wara. It-tifrik li ħalla Gonzi huwa kbir wisq. Meta jrid, u fejn irid qed nistiednu għal diskussjoni pubblika, fuq television jew portals, bejn ħbieb dwar is-sitwazzjoni tal-Partit Nazzjonalista ħalli naraw min kien u għadu l-vera problema fil-PN. Taħdita pubblika fejn irid u meta jrid. Bi ħbiberija. Diskussjoni dwar il-partit mhux dwar żewg pilots Libjani jew dwar Gheddafi. Diskussjoni għal ġid tal-partit. Fittixt l-portals kollha u l-media soċjali u lanqas reazzjoni mqar waħda minn xi deputat jew MEP għal-survey daqshekk traġiku. Skiet perfett. Koma totali. Ritratti mal-vari biss. Sadanittant Gonzi, li tarah miexi l-Belt ma jkellmu ħadd, irid jiddetta b’arroganza kbira lil President l-ġdida x’għandha tagħmel – tattwa l-kliem dwar Daphne. Filwaqt li nsellem l-memorja ta’ Daphne u nagħtiha l-mistrieħ ta’ dejjem, Gonzi bejn il-koma li ilu fiha u l-arroganza grassa ma jridx jaċċetta li l-ħsara li għamlu lil PN hu u Daphne tant hi kbira li bl-iskandli kollha tal-Labour n-nies xorta għadhom mwerwrin bis-sitwazzjoni li ħolqu Daphne u Gonzi fil-PN. Bil-koma u bl-arroganza qas induna li meta hu kien Prim Ministru, jiena bħala deputat kont issuġġerejt l-ħatra tal-President bit-two-thirds. Minflok apprezza u attwaha, kien iqabbad lil Daphne tattakkani. Kieku minflok attakkawni taw kasi, r-riforma tal-ħatra tal-President bit-two-thirds kien jagħmilha l-PN fuq suġġeriment tieghi, imma l-klikka tal-ħażen li kont nitkellem dwarha tnax-il sena ilu u llum kulħadd fehem, ma riditnix naħdem imma raw kif għamlu u warrbu lil kull min seta jagħti kontribut. Gonzi se jibqa’ mfakkar fl-istorja ta’ Malta bħala dak li trasforma l-Partit Nazzjonalista minn P.N. għal P.M. – Partit tal-Mibegħda. Meta se jirrikonoxxi pubblikament li Daphne ħlief inkwiet ma ġabitx fuq il-PN? U ħlief keċċiet nies m’għamlitx! Issa ġejja elezzjoni oħra f’sekwenza twila b’telfa mħabbra għal PN. Il-partit maħkum minn letarġija u rassenjazzjoni tal-waħx pero’ sadanittant d-deputati u MEPs jitkellmu dwar kollox barra l-kadavru fil-kamra.
Koma totali u ritratti mal-vari. Fejn huma l-partitarji?
Qumu minn hemm.”
[Yesterday’s survey showed that the situation left by Gonzi in the PN of an indebted, divided and losing party is exactly the same eleven years later. The destruction left by Gonzi is too great. When he wants, and where he wants, I am inviting him for a public discussion, on television or portals, between friends about the situation of the Nationalist Party. Let’s see who was and still is the real problem in the PN. I am inviting him for a public debate where he wants and when he wants. On friendly terms. Discussion about the party and not about two Libyan pilots or about Gaddafi. Discussion for the good of the party. I searched all the portals and social media and not a single response from any deputy or MEP for the survey as tragic as this. Perfect silence. Total coma. Photos with the statues only. Meanwhile Gonzi, who can be seen walking around the city without anyone talking to him, wants to dictate with great arrogance to the new President what she should do – she will actualise Daphne’s words. While I salute Daphne’s memory and give her eternal rest, Gonzi, between the coma he has been in and his fat arrogance does not want to accept that the damage he and Daphne have done to PN is so great that with -all Labor scandals, people are still horrified by the situation created by Daphne and Gonzi in the PN. With coma and arrogance he never realized that when he was Prime Minister, I as a deputy had suggested the appointment of the President with two-thirds. Instead of appreciating and acting on it, he would have Daphne attack me. If instead of attacking me they had paid attention, the reform of the appointment of the President with two-thirds would have been done by the PN on my suggestion, but the evil clique that I was talking about twelve years ago and today which everyone understood, she didn’t not only want me to work but they saw how to dismiss everyone who could contribute. Gonzi will be remembered in Malta’s history as the one who transformed the Nationalist Party from P.N. for P.M. – Party of Hate. When will he publicly acknowledge that Daphne has brought trouble on the PN? All she did was have people dismissed! Now comes another election in a long sequence with an announced defeat for PN. The party is condemned by lethargy and resignation of the leader but in the meantime the deputies and MEPs talk about everything except the corpse in the room.
Total coma and photos with the statues.
Where are the Nationalist Partisans?
Wake up.]