Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel debunks the Big Bang Theory and that of evolution (2)

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: “So, let me tell you, even though I’m not a scientist, so I don’t want to be one. I’m a little poor, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ. I walk through His grace, by His grace and I ask Him for His mercy. But let me say one thing about the human DNA. Just one, one thing about the human being. The human DNA is made out of 3.1 billion bits of information. 3.1 billion bits of information. If I were to convert that into words, and write those words on an A4 size paper, 500 words per page, it would take me 600,000 pages to write one person’s DNA. You bring the entire encyclopedias of the world together, they will get nowhere near the intelligence in your DNA my dear friend. And you’re telling me you want me to believe in a Big Bang? And yet, there’s almost 8 billion people living on the face of this planet as we speak, but no one’s fingerprint is the same as the other. That’s not a fluke. That’s a deliberate and intelligent creation by this intelligent being, whom we as Christians believe and claim to be, God.

Genesis 1:1 – ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth’. That is the cause of creation. Not just an explosion on its own. And even though, let’s say there was an explosion. What caused the explosion? Who caused the explosion? And who controlled the explosion? I’m not a scientist but let me say this as well. The scientists claim that when the explosion happened, there was this immense heat, because anything that explodes, there is heat being released. So everything was heated up. So, everything expanded, and when the universe cooled down, contracted. One scientist only spoke about the expansion and the contraction element. Not the whole universe. He said, let’s just look at this point – expansion and contraction. Who said to the universe, when the explosion happened, who said how fast should you expand, or how slow, and how fast or how slow should you contract? He said if the expansion or the contraction – he took it down to the nanosecond – a nanosecond by the way is the speed of light passing a strand of hair, that is called a nanosecond – light travels 300km, I don’t know how many miles that is. I do it the Australian way, please excuse me. But it travels 300,000km a second. That’s the speed of light. 300,000km a second. That’s probably, I don’t know, close to 200,000 miles a second. Imagine a speed travelling at this enormous pace passing a strand of hair. That’s called a nanosecond. Look at the perfection of God. He said that if that expansion and contraction was faster a nanosecond or slower a nanosecond, life wouldn’t have existed.

You’re telling me all this, there was no brain controlling it?

Emmanuel Rommanous: “Yeah, the mathematical probability of us being here today does not “

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: “It is just impossible without this enormous intelligent being called God.”

You can watch here.

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