Are the Labour government and the local NGOs for illegal immigration receiving funds from the UN to commit cold genocide on Malta’s nation?

In another blog, we have seen how the United Nations is facilitating and funding mass illegal immigration in America and Western nations.

Since Malta is also part of Western Europe and is being flooded with illegal immigration, can the Labour government tell us if it is the UN who is funding it, apart from using our taxes, of course?

Can all those NGOs who are all out speaking up for illegal immigrants tell us if they are receiving any funds and if yes, if is it from the UN, together with the government? Are these NGOs in cahoots with the UN in this agenda? Can the Jesuit Refugee Service Malta, the Aditus Foundation, Moviment Graffiti, SAR (Search and Rescue) Malta Network, who keep on demanding that Malta stop carrying pushbacks to Libya by proxy, tell us if they are receiving any funds and, if yes, from who?

Can the Malta Refugee Council supply us with an answer? Whenever we have agendas, you are always cheated upon by having a lot of NGOs and councils working together in one well-organized and planned structure to push forth any agenda against you, on behalf of the puppeteers – in this case, the UN.

Can Regina Catrambone the Italian philanthropist who, together with her husband, co-founded and is the director of MOAS—Migrant Offshore Aid Station—tell us if she is receiving any funds and from who?

What about the local International Organization for Migration (IOM), an organization which was also mentioned in the other blog? Is it receiving funds from the UN? I remind the Maltese nation that this local organization ‘coordinates assisted voluntary return and reintegration program and other projects.’

Forget about being called a racist. Forget about being told that your pensions are covered. Forget about being told that it is all for economic prosperity.

You are being genocided thanks to those so-called NGOs for illegal immigration, which are truly just another facade, in cahoots with the government and the UN.

You are not only being turned into a carpet of the EU and the UN, but you are being turned into a genocided human, with no rights whatsoever, while the same UN talks of human rights for illegal immigrants, because all you are is a slave to this one world government.

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