Through conflict they have resolution and it’s the resolution or the synthesis, as it’s also called, that they’re after.

Alan: Now is Kirk in California there? Are you there, Kirk?

Kirk: Yes. Good evening, Alan. How are you tonight?

Alan: Not so bad.

Kirk: Good, good. I just wanted to talk a little bit about conformity. I’ve been reading a book — because ever since listening to you, it’s really put me on a path to go find a lot of different books to read and this one is ‘An Anatomy of Conformity.’ It came out of the University of Michigan and it was funded by the Ford Foundation, yes, those wonderful benefactors of society. I wondered if I could read you a little clip of it real quick?

Alan: Yes, go ahead.

Kirk: It says: ‘If one wishes to produce conformity for good or evil the formula is clear. Manage to arouse a need or needs that are important to the individual or to the group. Offer a goal which is appropriate to the need or the needs. Make sure that the conformity is instrumental to the achievement of the goal and that the goal is as large and as certain as possible. Apply the goal or reward at every opportunity. Try to prevent the object of your efforts from obtaining an uncontrolled education. Choose a setting that is ambiguous. Do everything possible to see that the individual has little or no confidence in his own position. Do everything possible to make the norm which you set appear highly valued and attractive. Set it at a level not too far initially from the starting position of the individual or the group and move it gradually toward the behavior you wish to produce. Be absolutely certain you know what you want and that you are willing to pay an enormous price in human quality, for whether the individual or the group is aware of it or not, the result will be Conformity.‘ I thought that was pretty factual.

Alan: That’s why they encourage groups and you always have the spokesman. Remember, every part of the chess game, this global chess game that’s going on, every part of every move that goes out there, these guys have think tanks debating what the reaction will be from different segments and different personality types within a society. They start training certain people to go out and become leaders before they’ve even made the move that causes their reaction and they’ve been doing this for a hundred-odd years at least that we can trace. Lawrence of Arabia admits that in his own book, ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom.’ He was picked at university. They funded him heavily. They sent him off to own newspapers in Arabic countries and then they hired hundreds of staff to go round the bizarres listening to the gossip to see if people were parroting the news article and how the debates were going. Therefore, even the conversations and those things we argue about are all given to us, and then they come along and they shape the direction we are supposed to go in. Then you have a counter reaction from some other group that’s not happy or they’re left out in the cold and they also lead those groups along as well. Through conflict they have resolution and it’s the resolution or the synthesis, as it’s also called, that they’re after.

Kirk: Yes, it’s pretty amazing. Lawrence, he worked with Ronald Storrs pretty closely, right? Sir Ronald Storrs?

Alan: He knew him. Again, these guys all belong to an aristocracy. Lawrence himself was brought up in a small castle. It was a form of a big mansion really but it was shaped like a castle and he was groomed from childhood for his position, as were many of the big elite players that went into Oxford and Cambridge at that time. He was only one of 20 students that were trained in all of the Aramaic languages and sent over there with money to start writing propaganda that would then affect the cultures of the Arabs and get different factions fighting each other.

Kirk: Yes. Just all through this, various different forms of manipulation.

Alan: Yes.

Kirk: Yes, this book is pretty frightening because it’s just cold, very scientific calculated to the point it tells you right there. I encourage anybody out there who seeks knowledge to look into as many of these types of books as you can in psychology and sociology and human behavior because they document it just like we’re animals.

Alan: Yes they do and they’ve had plenty study time and thousands of studies actually they’ve done across the world in repetition to make sure it always works the same way every time and they do. It’s like Albert Pike said, ‘We never start a premature revolution.’ Most revolutions are started by this mystic group at the top of the planet here. They cause the revolutions and most of them just mean changes in society, like the sexual revolution, the drug revolution and all the other revolutions. They’re bloodless to an extent but they change the direction of society and it’s their revolution. That’s why the biggest think tank that came up with a con game of global warming in the ’70’s published in their own book called ‘The First Global Revolution.’ They were so cocky about it. These are the guys that give the real revolutions. These are the guys who always win.

Kirk: Yes it’s amazing. I mean you have to be really, really mentally deranged I guess would be a word. There’s no real word for the way these people are. Deviant class I like.

Alan: Yes. They’re psychopathic. There’s no doubt they have every psychopathic trait. They have no conscience. They can plan the death of millions, the depopulation programs, give the okay to inoculations that would sterilize young men and so on and all the other diseases that men and women come down with later in life as it’s all done to us. They go home and they sleep well. They go to parties. They’re very sociable, very polite people, but they’re psychopathic in reality. In fact, psychiatry, even though they can describe the symptoms, they class it as a personality disorder. They don’t know what causes it, but what they do know from big investigations in other countries including the ex-Soviet bloc is that it can be hereditary, especially if inbreeding with psychopaths.

Kirk: Yes, that’s amazing because they don’t class it as a mental illness. Like you said, a social disorder I believe.

Alan: That’s right.

Kirk: Anyway, thank you very much for your time and for all you do, and speaking of books, I have not neglected you. I sent you a check last week and I encourage everyone else please help support Alan. I mean he gives us so much and thank you very much Alan.

Alan: Thanks for calling.

[Alan Watt, His Radio Program Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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