The Orthopaedic Department in Mater Dei and its crisis. Jo Etienne Abela, can you rectify the situation?

The Maltese page ‘Malta Front’ has claimed that it has been receiving a lot of complaints from various people about the Orthopaedic Department in Mater Dei.

The post specified that some of the cases are shocking.

Can Jo Etienne Abela and Adrian Delia investigate what is going on and see to it? After all, Mater Dei was a project of a past PN administration. It was sold to the public as a ‘state of the art’ hospital. It should have complemented St. Luke’s hospital, which has been left to turn into ruins.

Former Health Minister Dr. Fearne, who sold you the COVID-19 vaccines, is on record stating that Mater Dei is under control.

They tell you that you get free healthcare service. First of all, it is not free because you pay taxes. Secondly, you are paying taxes for nothing because by the time you get seen at Mater Dei, especially if you need an urgent operation, you would have probably been left to die in agony. But please note, that if you decide to pay over and above the taxes you pay, and decide to make use of a private hospital, you can have that operation done in a week’s time. It is never about your health. It is all about the money.

Both political parties have failed you.

Here are some comments that the above post received:

In another post, Malta Front wrote that it will publish the complaints that it has received:

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