The Astor Ruling Family – an Overview

“The process of 400 years looks like this. Various Satanic families moved into the Southwest German area in the late Medieval time period. Witchcraft associated with Diana was practiced in Southwest Germany, and this began to alarm various elements of the Roman Catholic church. The Astor family provides leadership in the covens in the Heidelberg area. Witchcraft spread virtually all over Southwest Germany. An examination of the old records from about 1500 to 1650 show that witchcraft was being practiced throughout the area (I have the names of over 120 towns were it was practiced in SW Germany, the list derived from old German records). The Astors did not have the position, wealth, and power that accorded their position in the late 1700s of occult leadership. In Germany, England and France there was no way to climb the social ladder. However, the New World presented opportunities. The Astors sent two sons to prepare the way for John Jacob, one to England, one to America, and then sent John Jacob their most promising brightest son to the New World.

While in America the Astor family helped the Satanic elite headquartered in England to maintain its control over America. Having come from Germany, and also due to Satanism being secret, John Jacob Astor’s help given to pro-British-elite moves were more difficult to suspect. After establishing themselves as aristocrats in America, the tribe of Astors moved to England, where because of their high social position in America, no one questioned the Queen bestowing titles of nobility on them. All along the process, people with Illuminati connections opened doors for the Astors. At this point, it needs to be pointed out that there were ties between the following groups: English royalty, English Satanism, English Freemasonry, and German witchcraft, and the Italian Black nobility.

When one paints in the bigger panorama of what was happening in the occult world, and then one sees a blazing star streak across that panorama, then the real history of that blazing star is given by tracking its voyage through that panorama. However, the history books have intentionally hidden the significance of so many of the players and groups that lay along the track of that blazing streak.”

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