My thoughts on the ‘new born Christian’ movement and its label

I have stated in other blogs that I am a ‘new born Christian’ and I have also explained what I mean by it.

Ephesians 4:22-24 “To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

Continuing on the points that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has made on the fact that Christ did not come with any names and that thus, we should not be labelling ourselves because instead of uniting together in Christ, it is fuelling more division, I would like to give some information about this ‘New Born Christianity’ without cutting corners.

For the sake that I hope that I am getting through with my message when I say that I am a ‘new born Christian’, which I had also explained in another blog, I repeat that it does not mean that we should go by any terms because this whole born again phenomenon took pace quite recently and it started primarily in the U.S. By recently I mean around twenty years ago. It was a movement which was created to create more divide and many ‘New Born Christians’ walked around and still walk around looking down on others, as if they are better than others. Snobbery is a form of pride. Being a ‘new born Christian’ does not mean that we wear such a label so that we separate ourselves from others as if we are better than others, by allowing little parts of doctrine to separate us. Because this is what religion does – it separates us from one another. Christianity is not a religion. So, I hope that people understand that being a new born Christian means that each day, you wake up and you renew yourself in the image of God. It is clearly explained: “To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

There are Christ-centered Christians who won’t be found in situations of prominence but who are witness to the world without conforming to evil ways.

I truly believe that nations were deprived of the true secret teachings of Jesus because I truly believe that there is much more to the teachings of Christ. Christ has been taught through religion. Christ has been taught through religious studies. Christ has been taught through the indoctrination of the doctrine. instead of making doctrine liberating. Instead, Christ’s teachings are no doctrine. They are liberating and unique and do not suffocate true Christendom. And during these unprecedented times in this unique time in all the history of mankind, it is only through the Holy Spirit in which you are being guided and given knowledge and the depth and how to proceed to get deeper and how to filter the deceit and lies from the truth.

I am also aware that in the days of Christ there was no word for Christian, and the word came much, much later. Same with His name, ‘Christ.’ And if you are wondering why Jesus, whose name was “Yeshua,” is now called Christ, understand that the Hebrew word for Christ was Messiah and means “the anointed (chosen) one.” Later, in the New Testament the word Messiah was translated into the Greek word, Christos. The English word Christ comes from this Greek word.

All I can say is that I had many encounters with Christ and hence, my return to Him.

We should all agree that the greatest man in history is Christ. He had no servants, yet they called Him ‘master.’ He had no degree, yet they called Him ‘teacher.’ He had no medicines, yet they called Him ‘healer’. He had no army, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.

As a ‘new born Christian,’ you learn that you don’t do it your way but God’s way. You also learn how to love God everyday because unless you love God, you can never learn how to love your neighbour and yourself. Without God, neither myself nor the neighbour exist. Without God, everything is nothing. Now if you believe that there is no God, or that Christ is just another mythical figure invented by another religion, then it is up to you. You are free. We should question religions, not Christ. Because Christ did not come with any labels and names.

As a ‘new born Christian’, you do not fraternize with secular people. You become a witness to non-believers but without conforming to their ways, regardless of how difficult it may be.

As a ‘new born Christian’, you sharpen your spiritual discernment which truly is the spiritual ability to hear the hiss of the serpent.

Yes, as a ‘new born Christian,’ you realise that you are mistaken as a religious indoctrinated cultish being. You are mocked, made fun of and persecuted. Yet, you understand that it is the devil which is working hard to convince people that Jesus isn’t real and tries to make Christianity a joke. When I was an atheist, people admired me and asked questions. When I was a Buddhist, people admired me and asked questions. When I was a Hinduist, people admired me and asked questions. When I was in the New Age, people remarked that I am very spiritual and on the right path, admired me, and asked questions. The minute Christ found me, and I returned to Him, people mocked me, left me and blocked me. This is one of the many reasons I understand that Christianity, [not Catholicism or any other religion], is the only way of life.

As a ‘new born Christian,’ you understand that an umbrella cannot stop the rain but it allows us to stand in the rain. In the same way, faith in God may not remove our trials but it gives us strength to overcome them.

I am obviously not here to convince people that Christ is the way. I am a mere servant of Christ. I am little. I am no one. I am imperfect and will remain so, till my last day on earth. I am here to learn and will continue learning, until I die. I am here to be reborn again each single day. What I was yesterday, died. What I am today, is renewed. What I am tomorrow, is a build up of the renewal that I made today.

But to you, faithful Christian, I say one thing:

‘Seek the truth, listen to the truth, teach the truth, love the truth, abide by the truth, and defend the truth, even unto death.’

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