Dr. Terry Mortenson on why the theory of evolution is a fraud and a lie (part fourteen)

“Well, we’ve seen there are various ways to make an ape man. You can take a few human bones, add imagination and make an ape man. Or, you can take a few ape bones, or you don’t even need an ape bone. You can take a pig tooth if you want. Add imagination and make an ape man. Or you can take a few human bones and a few ape bones, add imagination and make an ape man. And if all those methods fail, you can always get an electric grinder or file and change the shape of the bones, add imagination and make an ape man.

But there have never been any ape men. Neanderthals were fully human. Piltdown man was a hoax. Nebraska man was a pig. Australopithecines are apes. And we could talk about Peking man and Java man and Ida and Homo Naledi. They are either fully ape, fully human or imaginary. And in the book ‘Searching for Adam’ which I edited and contributed to with 15 other authors, we’ve got two fabulous chapters on the fossil evidence showing that it does not support the theory of evolution.

What about DNA evidence? Has anybody seen something like this which appeared in National Geographic recently?

The picture of an ape and a baby and they say that the DNA profiles of these two are nearly 99% the same. Anybody ever heard something like that? Yeah, well it’s false, because when they made to make that claim, they did not compare the whole chimp genome with the whole human genome. They selected parts and they used the human genome as a template.

On our website we have a technical article by Jeffrey Tompkins who is a PhD geneticist and he got the full chimp genome and the full human genome and compared them and found by careful analysis that the DNA similarity is only about 85% or maybe even less.

And that fits exactly what a five-year-old would figure going to the zoo and seeing a chimpanzee. I mean they do hold their banana the same way we do, though they peel it from the other end. But, it’s obvious that there’s a difference and it’s obvious to the child that there’s a reason that the ape is in the cage and the kid isn’t.”

You can watch the lecture here.

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