Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation versus 1 to 3 – the Revelation of Jesus Christ

“The Book of Revelation is a prophetic symbolic book of the New Testament. Now when we come to the Book of Revelation, we can divide it into three sections. The first section takes up Chapter One and then in the second section is chapter two and three together. And then from chapter four till the end of the Book of Revelation chapter 22 is the third section.

The first section chapter one is an introduction to the Book of Revelation. Chapter two and three is the church history in the prophetic sense. It is the church history in the prophetic sense. And then chapter four to twenty-two talks about the great tribulation and then the wrath of God coming down on the entire world and on the entire human race. And then the wrath of God is actually revealed in 1. seals 2. trumpets and 3. bowls. Seals represent authentication. Trumpets represent warnings. And bowls represent judgment passed on to the human race.

Now the Book of Revelation begins with these words: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. So whose book is this? Jesus Christ Himself. And the word revelation, we can give it another name – proclamation. To reveal something, to proclaim something and whatever you are revealing and whatever you are proclaiming, you are giving information. If we look at our time and age, the 21st century, I do not believe that there has been a time in the history of mankind, where information has been so easily accessible than the 21st century. All the centuries gone by, nowhere near what the 21st century has achieved in a very short time as far as making everything possible at a fingertip at a press of a button. You go on the internet, social media platforms, you can read about anything. You can find out and discover about anyone, anywhere, any place, any time with a press of a button. It is so easily accessible and the 21st century is so profoundly known to bombard the human race with “revelation,” information.

But there is a revelation and another revelation. The world is trying to reveal to you a lot of things and what the world is trying to reveal – I am not going to say all of it – but I’ll say with confidence that most of it is poisonous. And Jesus Christ, God revealed in the flesh, He also came to give His own revelation, His own information, to His own children, those who believe in Him and those who trust in Him, and follow Him. The revelation of Jesus Christ.”

You watch the sermon here.

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