An autopsy confirms that the Covid-19 vaccine has killed a woman after causing her a catastrophic bleed on the brain

BBC’s article has confirmed that the death of thirty-four-year-old mother Kim Lockwood, was caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

Kim Lockwood “complained of an excruciating headache eight days after” being administered the AstraZeneca jab in March 2021. She visited Rotherham Hospital’s A&E on 22nd March “but left without being seen after a long wait.” Clearly, hospitals in UK are also at a breaking point. “She returned the next morning suffering from debilitating headaches, blurred vision and vomiting, and by midday could not speak in full sentences”.

“Her condition quickly deteriorated and she was pronounced dead 17 hours after being admitted to Rotherham hospital.” The cause of death was recorded at Doncaster’s Court by South Yorkshire Coroner Nicola Mundy as “Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VTT).”

Please don’t think that this is the way of the mainstream media of telling you the truth. What they are doing here to you is admitting that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing deaths, but in order not to alarm you and keep you in the ‘safety and effectiveness’ bubble, the BBC wrote that this bleed on the brain was “caused by a rare side-effect of the Covid-19 vaccine.” The media cannot not publish such half-truths because if it denies that the Covid-19 vaccine is causing alarming deaths and severe injuries, those autopsies will prove that the media is lying to you. If something is sold to you as ‘safe and effective’, then even rare deaths should not hold in the parameters of safety and effectiveness!

And so do the majority of doctors and scientists. They still fail to tell you the whole truth about the Covid-19 vaccine because their big egos do not want to admit that they were fooled by their so-much loved school of wizardry and sorcery. In fact, Coroner Nicola Mundy said that Mrs Lockwood had been “extremely unlucky” while the court “returned a verdict of misadventure! Not even one life is important in the eyes of those who have failed to protect you before and during the rollout of these deadly and experimental vaccines.

And needless to say, the government is a liar too. The BBC wrote that “Government figures show the type of reaction Mrs Lockwood experienced is considered extremely rare. There have been 438 reported cases and 78 deaths after an estimated 24.9 million first doses and 24.2 million second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.” It is always about the numbers until the numbers no longer fit their narrative.

It is time for the mainstream media to tell you “We have been lying to you” with the hope that the viewers’ reply won’t be “No you haven’t.”

As Dr Vernon Coleman stated, “All those collaborating in this crime against humanity – and that includes compliant politicians, dishonest journalists, obedient bureaucrats, and silent healthcare professionals – should remember that after we win this war – which we will – they will be tried for their crimes. Defendants at Nuremberg learnt that, ‘I was following orders,’ doesn’t cut it as a defence. Thousands of snotty bureaucrats, brutal police officers and dancing health workers are going to have to acquire a taste of their porridge.”

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