What is causing the scabies epidemic in Malta?

Newsbook has reported that according to dermatologist Lawrence Scerri, at the moment there is “a lot of scabies, but there is a lack of medicine,” as the medicine ended up “out of stock.”. Lawrence Scerri stated that there is currently an epidemic of this scabies.

Scabies is an itchy skin rash. This itch is caused by a tiny worm that passes from person to person very quickly. Since scabies spreads easily, professionals recommend treating the whole family or those who have had close contact with the person. What Newsbook failed to add here is that scabies is common in tropical areas, including the sub-tropical areas of Southern Africa, and its predisposing factors are overcrowding, poor personal hygiene, low socio-economic standards, and impaired host immunity.

Mr. Scerri appealed to the public that those who have an itch and those around them who have the itch should speak to the doctor immediately.

Firstly, instead of resorting to conventional medicine and relying on it fully to treat symptoms instead of the root causes, doctors must start looking elsewhere and modify their medically indoctrinated brain so that they can assist people in healing by resorting to natural remedies, which are sometimes cheaper but do not carry secondary side-effects. Here are some natural ways to treat scabies:


The fact that there is a rise in scabies cases in Malta is quite interesting and alarming at the same time, because a serious outbreak of scabies was reported during the Second World War, which resulted from the poor hygienic conditions of the wartime communal shelters.

Newsbook article fails to inform the public about two matters. Does it mean that there is an alarming number of people living among us who lack personal hygiene? The second point is: what is causing this epidemic?

Shall we make a hypothesis and pinpoint either the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, which have jeopardized the immune systems of individuals, or else pinpoint the ‘multicultural enrichment’ that has led to overcrowding? Can dermatologists be more specific, study what is causing this epidemic, and specify which nationality?

So, who will now carry responsibility for this epidemic and any other infectious diseases whose origins are in countries outside of Europe?

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