The Labour government has endorsed Climate Communism

The Labour government has endorsed Climate Communism.

But in order for communism to sell it to you as a beautiful and well-meaning thing, the Times of Malta changed its article’s headline from “Parliament to discuss Bill setting up new climate action watchdog” to “MPs to discuss new authority for climate change.”

The article reports that our Maltese politicians in the Maltese parliament “will start discussing a bill setting up Malta’s authority monitoring climate action on the island” through an act in which “the State would acknowledge that change in Earth’s climate and its adverse effects are a common concern for humankind” and in which “the government also binds itself to ensure that all necessary action is taken to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.” Because when they want to make sure that you comply with any evil agenda, they make it into a law.

At the helm of this Climate Communism, is energy minister Miriam Dalli, who is planning to “have an authority focused on the action that we need to take collectively as a country.”

We? No, sorry, this is about you and what you want to impose on the people who did not vote for this new clamp, which will have a grip on them. The people voted for you to protect them against evil agendas, instead of tagging along with them! Why is it that when you want to impose filth, it suddenly becomes a matter of ‘the collective we’. This is part of the usual problem-reaction-solution process. The elite invent the problem, then they see how the world will react, and then they come up with the filthy solution, which suddenly you are accountable for bringing to fruition. And the puppet politicians are there, ready to execute the orders of the same elite.

This is what propaganda does to you. It turns into your own enemy, enmeshing and gnawing at your intestines.

In other words, as this site has often repeated, this is about the government increasing taxes and any other communist measure with the excuse of climate change, as another excuse to collect more money. Forget that they are doing it truly for the environment.

But to add insult to injury, Minister Dalli “acknowledged that climate change was piling pressure on the tourism, farming, and fishing sectors.”. I hear liar, liar pants on fire. What a disgusting lie! So many countries have joined the farmers protest: the Netherlands, Scotland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Greece, Belgium, Poland, Malta, and now even Italy because all of Europe is saying no to Climate Communism! It is the green policies that are murdering people! It is the green policies that are destroying these livelihoods! Minister Dalli, you should be protecting the livelihoods of farmers from the green policies of the EU! But, no! Instead, you come up with another hoax: that of the creation of ‘green economy jobs’.

Because now their buzz words are ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’. And when you hear these words, you are hearing from the New World Order.

Dear readers, instead of worrying about climate change, start worrying about a totalitarian government that is endorsing Climate Communism.

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