The media hints that the Maltese people are intolerant and racist in the X factor elimination of Sean Kamati and Mamaclay

What is the latest fuss and yet another distraction in Malta’s everyday life? This is the elimination of the non-Maltese contestants Sean Kamati and Mamaclay at the semi-finals of X Factor Malta.

Lovin Malta took it a step further to not only publish not one, not two, but three articles, but to also publish a reel showing Mamaclay being hugged and supported by her native crowd after the show.

The media parroted what the Overs’ mentors and X Factor judge Howard Keith Debono wrote in a social media post in which he speculated the reason as to why the only two foreign contestants were eliminated. In his opinion, the outcome “was an obvious case of eliminating two top potential winners because, god forbid, it would be won by a non-Maltese national.” According to Debono, “this is called hypocrisy, and nothing to be proud of but rather ashamed of.”

Arrogantly, he said that “Maltese is not a style; it’s not a talent; it’s a language. And I’m mentioning this as sometimes it ends up being a gimmick or a patriotic card to play for votes or TV air time.”

He also expressed his frustration about posts that highlighted the Maltese patriotic narrative. Dear Maltese nation, don’t you dare be patriotic!

Dear Maltese people, in other words, you are being called intolerant and you can add racist too. Because communism does not allow you to vote for whoever you want to vote in a competitive program done in your own country, paid from your own taxes. Howard Keith Debono should be grateful for earning thousands from such a show. Many of us do not see those thousands earned in a year of hard work! He should also be an adult and respect the results, just like the Maltese have respected each and every biased result in the useless political show of Eurovision.

Isn’t this argument and what the media is doing disrespectful towards the other Maltese contestants and the Maltese nation? The other remaining finalists are all super talented in their own ways, and they all deserve a place in the final. Since Debono is disappointed with the results, is he downgrading the finalists who have been working hard? Is he implying that the Maltese did not vote well?

Isn’t this respectful towards the Maltese voters? Don’t they tell us that we live in a free country, so freedom of choice should be allowed and tolerated? So where does being a patriot stop and being a racist start, according to the media and Howard Keith Debono?

If it was a non-Maltese issue, those two foreign singers wouldn’t have made it up to the semi-finals.

If Howard Keith thinks this way, then they should not let foreigners participate in a competition that, at the end of the day, is being organized in Malta, in which Maltese singers have hope of being heard and acknowledged as new talents.

For all those who are saying that the televoting is corrupt and that people make it because of the votes of friends of friends, I think that this is a double-edged argument because most probably, a lot of Filipinos living in Malta voted for Mamaclay.

X factor MALTA was a good showcase for Mamaclay and Sean Kamati, who are both established in the music scene. If Howard Keith Debono wants to play a wild card, he can opt to become their manager and offer them a contract.

The winner should represent us, the Maltese, and our nation, not his nation. Foreign contestants should represent their own country in their own homeland. Our opportunity to show our talents should never be undermined by the cancerous communist agenda! Foreign participation in such contests is an imposed, indirect, cultural war against us.

Where tare our security analysts? Or there aren’t enough funds to pay them a good wage?

X (Formerly Twitter)