Occult symbols – the Pokemon game (3)

“Here’s the next character. This is Misty. Look at this. Now this is off of a comic book. This is actually a page of a comic book. But if this was clear, if this was actually clear, you’d see that that’s a halter top. It stops right there. And she’s got short shorts on, and you know she’s got to be about the same age as what Ash is. And she’s described as Ash’ companion and listen what it says about her: ‘She’s head strong and stubborn, constantly arguing with Ash’. Typical woman. No, just kidding. Just kidding. God forgive me, alright. Frivolous spirit, that’s what it was.

And here’s Brock over here in the corner. And Brock is by far the most hormonal because his fascination with the opposite sex many times gets him or the group in trouble.

Well, then there’s Pokemon trainer, Gary. And Gary is not pictured in here. But Gary is a real self-centered jerk. He’s vindictive and he’s obnoxious.

And then there are two characters. One is called Jesse, and the other one is called James. Listen what it says about them. It says: ‘Prepare for trouble, make it double, Jesse and James are an evil gang looking to steal rare Pokemon’. Jesse and James are stuck up, fashion conscious [and you know what?], in the program they are also prone to cross-dressing. Now, if you don’t know what that means, that means that if you feel like you’re a woman in a man’s body, you wear women’s clothing. You dress like one. If you’re a woman who feels manly, you wear man’s under-clothing, and dress like one. Cross-dressing. Oh, what kind of role model would that be?

Okay, I think that that’s enough right here because I think we’ve got a pretty good establishment on this thing. Remember that I said that if the characters were the kind of role models that established the kind of values, standards, and morals that we wanted our kids to have when they got to be an adult, then this game or this particular thing is okay. Remember we said that? So let’s examine what we got. Let’s see. Headstrong, stubborn, quibbling, self-centered, vindictive, obnoxious, hormonal, sexually preoccupied, evil, thieving, cross-dressing jerks! I don’t know about you, but I mean even if I wasn’t a Christian parent, I wouldn’t want my kids to grow up for these kind of trades. Then we have to actually say that the characters of this game don’t biblically stand up, do they? In other words, they don’t represent the kind of values and standards we want our kids to have. And they’re definitely not the role models we want our kids to be. But these are the characters that our children are identifying with, day after day after day, playing this game, watching the cartoon, reading the books, looking at the videos.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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