Donnachadh McCarthy of the Climate Cult tells people that having children increases the carbon footprint

Here is what Donnachadh McCarthy of the Climate Cult had to say about the new way to decrease the so-called carbon footprint:

McCarthy: “When my dad was born, there were 1.6 billion people on the planet. When I was born, there were three. There’s now eight, and we’re heading towards 11. What does that mean for the rest of nature?”

Journalist: “What does it mean in the UK when the birth rare is falling here? What does that say about us?”

McCarthy: “It means that women are actually working, they are looking for quality of life, and they don’t want to spend their lives pregnant; they don’t want to spend 12 years of their lives pregnant. But the answer to what does it mean? I just want to draw a circle if I like. So, I’m 64 years of age, and that circle represents all of the wildlife that was on the planet when I was born. Just 64 years ago. And in that time, with the 8 billion of us, that are now there with all the food, wood, transport, and housing, that we need to provide for them, we have destroyed 70% of nature. I just think there’s a moral issue here. Can we pass that on to the next generation?”

Journalist: “I get that. But say you live in Milton Keynes and are watching us this morning; why would that be your responsibility? Are you contributing to that?”

McCarthy: “Every single child in an industrial country like ours is around 500 tons of carbon in their lifetime. That’s equivalent to a thousand years of electricity for a household. So, each child has an impact, and what we’re saying is one is great, two is plenty, and three is selfish.”

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