A short essay from a National Security Perspective on the threats posed by international financial institution (part 6)

Economic and Social Implications

The agenda (neoliberal) promoted and imposed by the IFIs, which is deeply criticised by Bolton and many others, champions deregulation, privatization, and free trade, but most importantly, at the expense of local economies, social equity, and wellbeing. This agenda had detrimental effects on local sole traders and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe. When the market was opened up to global competition, as imposed by Europe’s so-called allies post-WW2 and completely embraced by the puppets of the IFIs, i.e., the Contemporary European Union, local businesses did not have the means and the ability to compete with multinational corporations, leading to the shutting down of local businesses (strategic ones in particular), job losses, social competition for employment with non-native and non-Europeans, and the phasing out of local economies. Moreover, the obsession with constant annual GDP growth by focusing mainly on export-oriented growth and investment on a large scale, the implementation of environmentally-threatened and damaging projects, which completely remove sustainable development practices that prioritize local needs, wants, and ecological balance,.

Now it is evident that the path forward for Europe needs a radical departure from the status quo. Key sectors of the economy must once again become nationalized, and this is not just an economic policy choice but a vital step to reclaim economic sovereignty, national autonomy, a homogeneous society, real liberties to the natives, real private property rights, revitalization of local businesses, strengthening of the middle class, and re-fostering the natural equitable distribution of wealth. Through this prioritisation, Europe will become the beast it deserves to be! The prioritisation of local sole traders and SMEs needs, will transform Europe’s economic system into a resilient, sustainable, independent, aspires to its people, and is reflective of its needs, rather than appeasing the interests of the IFIs and global financial elites.

A shift in Europe’s economic model that favours localism and sustainability is crucial for the re-nationalization of our economy. Through this path, Europe will challenge head-on the global financial elitists and their agenda, while laying the foundations for an economic system that truly serves the common good, rather than the perpetual cycles of dependency and inequality. With the rivalry of Europe’s local sole traders and SMEs, European goods, services, and innovation will be revamped. This is a strategy to strengthen national sovereignty and resilient European economies capable of withstanding global economic pressures and fostering a fair and sustainable future for their people.

The Case for Re-Nationalization

This strategy will be marked by a strategic pivot towards ensuring the security of economic sovereignty, strengthening the national populations’ real capabilities, reviving national goods, services, and innovation so the population will feel a sense of belonging with them, ensuring Europe’s autonomy, and insulating critical sectors from global market volatility and dependency on foreign actors. The nation must bring key industries, sectors, and resources under its control, European nations will ensure that their economic decisions and policies are truly aligned with their long-term national and social interests and security; while enhancing the real well-being of their people, instead of submitting to and appeasing the tyrants of the IFIs or some foreign investors, both private and governmental.

This approach will enable greater coordination and sustainable management of scarce resources, while prioritizing what is most crucial for national wellbeing, the prioritization of public goods over and above, foreign private profits. Moreover, it will serve as a bulwark against the draconic practices endorsed by the IFIs, while ensuring that the wealth generated within a country will contribute to its holistic development while ensuring the liberties of our people.

Supporting Local Businesses and SMEs

At the very centre of the re-nationalisation vision of the European economy is the re-empowerment of national SMEs and local sole traders, who are the backbone of the economies of the European and sovereign nations and the backbone of a strong middle class. These entities provide a significant portion of employment opportunities, foster innovation, contribute to the social fabric of local societies and cultures, and educate our future generations. Currently, under the current global tyrannical financial regime, these businesses face a considerable challenge, from competing with multinational corporations, to competing with non-European SMEs and sole traders to difficulties accessing fair credit!

This path of re-nationalization will put Europe back on the path of greatness while moving away from the threats posed by the IFI-driven economic models, thus, the opportunity for policies that specifically support local businesses will become realised. This support will take many different forms but will surely include financial and tax incentives, protectionist measures, opportunities to issue loans in gold to only our people to aid one another to survive and thrive, access to credit, and heavy investments in European high culture, real social welfare, local infrastructure, and education to produce Europe’s cultured, competent, and skilled workforce.

This will create a European environment for local businesses to stimulate domestic innovations, enhance the creation of real jobs, and keep the wealth generated from local economies, which will contribute to a more equitable and sustainable landscape.”

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