A short essay from a National Security Perspective on the threats posed by international financial institution (part 2)

“The consequences of this system are huge! Money will become centred and concentrated in the hands of money lenders, while less money is available to invest or reinvest in real productive enterprises. One will notice a reduction of opportunities for the fundamental workers within fundamental sectors of the economy, such as construction (skilled stone masons), agriculture (skilled farmers), manufacturing (tile layers), transportation (Truck drivers), education (teachers), craftsmanship, etc., which rely heavily on investments in physical projects (or futuristic projects when breeding the education of the next generation) for their employment. The argument here is that if you extract value from the economy without contributing anything to the productive capacity of the nation or society, charging interest rates effectively constitutes a form of “legalised” theft. Wealth is being extracted from real tangible production opportunities, so it will undermine the livelihood of those who contribute tangible value to society. Leading to poverty, inequality, and the lowering of social standards, growing the social gap between the low and the high class while eradicating anyone in between, i.e., the middle class.  

Bolton had delved into the historic roots of modern financial systems, as in their history lies one of mankind’s most important events that it is crucial to grasp, in order to understand how and why we became modern slaves, but most importantly, to whom we became slaves too! He demonstrated how the rising international financial institution, i.e., the Rothchild banking dynasty, had financed the Napoleonic wars (including the enemies of Napoleon, both sides, without discrimination to force huge debts on every nation possible) to completely destroy Europe and its people. When the wars were over, societies (governments) wanted to rebuild their homes and revive their social and economic prosperity and standards. Since their nations were collapsed into huge debts, more loans had to be issued, in order to rebuild (double debts: one to finance the war to bring governments dependable on them and two to finance the rebuilding to further ensure governmental dependency on them). Thus, turning the Rothschild bank dynasty (they spread all over Europe to study the governments and societies of those nations, as they became the new masters of Europe by shaping the economic landscape of Europe post-Napoleonic wars (they financed nearly all wars since these wars, and we can monitor this family’s activities in contemporary wars tore Ukraine, Palestine, etc.).”

How did this indirect takeover of Europe happen right under everyone’s nose?! Meanwhile, there’s an ongoing conventional conflict?

Bolton had shown that after the European Turmoil (and their colonies), the Rothschild family had infiltrated other European nations and capitalised on the chaos by making use of their family’s extensive banking network (through their own banks) across Europe to extend loans to war-ravaged nations to both fight and rebuild.

A strategic maneuver that allowed them to generate unprecedented wealth and influence across the continent, effectively becoming the tailors of the new financial order. By financing both sides during the wars, the Rothschild dynasty did not only make a profit from the huge debts incurred by nations but also created a position for themselves that they are indispensable to European governments and that they can effect governmental decisions due to the fact that governments are now dependable on them.  This information is crucial to understanding how the stage was set by the Rothschild Bank dynasty to entrench the power dynamics of the global finance system based on the interest financial system. 

Bolton’s work is a pillar that underscores the long-standing war against “interest slavery” by those that have control over the creation of money (out of thin air) and interest rates that perpetuate economic disparities and undermine national sovereignties and security; while causing artificial boom bust cycles that affect the average citizen by creating depressions and enslaving the people or by orchestrating an event for the benefits of a particular industry, and from those events, their long-term agenda is always satisfied. He exposes the contemporary struggle for financial independence, the need for economic re-nationalization in particular within all the branches of national security and the segregation of money (sound money i.e.: fiat currency backed by 100% precious metals) from the state (the control of currency MUST be given back to the people), in order to resist against the tyranny of money lenders (International Financial Institution).”

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