The Rothschild – Carl Mayer von Rothschild

“The next son, Carl, was the family’s chief courier. He was the least intelligent of all the brothers. He was awkward when he spoke and he had a nasty temper. One biographer described him as ‘punchy’. In 1821 Carl was sent to Naples, Italy, to oversee loans there that were meant to finance Metternich’s forces who had arrived to quell a rebellion. While in Italy, the Rothschild ‘mantle’ came upon Carl and he made a series of ingenious deals with the Italian government that forced Naples to pay for its own occupation. He also helped Luigi de Medici of the Black Nobility to re-gain his position as finance minister of Naples, and later did business with the powerful man. Due to his success it was decided that he would stay in Naples and set up his own bank. He became financier to the court, the ‘financial overlord of Italy’. Carl ‘wound the Italian peninsula around his hand.’ He did business with the Vatican, and when Pope Gregory XVI received him by giving him his hand rather than the customary toe to kiss, people realized the extent of his power. The Pope conferred upon him the Order of St. George.

It appears that in Italy Carl became a leader of Carbonarism. After the Bavarian Illuminati was exposed, Carbonarism (or the Alta Vendita) became the major European occult power. Carl’s leadership in this group is very significant. In 1818 a secret Alta Vendita document, that Carl had participated in preparing, was sent to the headquarters of Masonry. A copy of this document was lost, and the Masons got very upset, and offered rewards for the return of this copy. The title of the document translates to ‘Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Freemasonry.'”

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