The hypocrisy displayed by the local media and PEN is brazen

The local media and PEN came out trying to play another spin: that of trying to get the masses sympathetic towards Andrew Azzopardi after he was fined by the Broadcasting Authority a fine of €6,410 for nasty comments he passed on air about Norman Lowell. Even the church media, Newsbook joined the masters of hypocrisy and its partner-in-crime, RTK, while funds were being raised for this ’cause’:

How lower can one get to ask for the help of the public to raise funds for this fine when it is Azzopardi who is to blame and it is he who should shoulder this responsibility. Where is the accountability? What RTK should do is say ‘mea culpa’ and apologize! But no! Suddenly, communism has turned the guilty into the victim, because communism is a one-way thing, dear readers. Rest assured, that if it was Normal Lowell who said something while on a radio program, he would have been bombarded and jailed by the media [and PEN] before he is actually fined! What is hypocritical in all this is that now, suddenly the argument is one that we must eradicate racial hatred, and support free speech. Come again? Can you repeat please? Are you pulling our leg? Did you advocate for free speech when you reported non-stop against Father David Muscat? Did you advocate for free speech when you bombarded and reported non-stop against Phylisienne Brincat? Did you advocate for free speech when Simon Mercieca was continuously attacked and called names by the media and other so-called bloggers? Where were you when the government used my parents and took them on tv pre-election so to discredit me and gather the sympathy of the public? Aren’t we writers too?

How can you advocate the abolishment of racial hatred, when it was Azzopardi himself who committed it?

Free speech goes both ways. But communism won’t have it that way.

Malta under PNPL
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