Occult symbols: the card games “Magic, the Gathering” & “Dungeons and Dragons”

“So, let’s look at Magic, the Gathering as this is the same company that puts out Pokemon. So, let’s see where they are coming from. Now, from seeing the symbols your actual discernment should now begin to be sharpened. How many see a circle? How many see a pentagram? Yeah, if you look, there it is. See that? Magic, the Gathering. This is a role-playing game. Now, parents, in case you don’t know what that is, that means your child actually becomes a character in the game, actually becomes a part of the game. And that’s what makes it exciting as there’s not many games out there that they can actually become a part of. They can play it, but they can’t actually become a part of it. In this particular game, they actually do become a character in the game. And remember it said that it’s an occult game. One of the dangers of this game is being a role-playing game is that it’s played with the mind. How many know that the mind is a very fragile thing?

And what happens in these role-playing games is, and I’m going to use examples from Dungeons and Dragons because TSR is the one that puts out all their material – the dangers of Dungeons and Dragons and any kind of role-playing game like this is that it’s played with the mind and when played with the mind the mind begins to lose that fine line with what’s real and what’s fantasy.

And the more you get into the fantasy world, the more it seems real and all of a sudden now, you don’t know what’s real and what’s not. In Dungeons and Dragons, this is a game played by three or four people. And what you do is you have one particular person that is the dungeon master. He sets all the rules up for this thing. And then in your mind you actually fight battles. You go through mazes. You go through dungeons and you actually fight wars with evil wizards, dragons, demons, powerful satanic beings. It’s all in the mind and I mean if you got a vivid imagination, you can have one heck of a game. And what happens is that you can play this game for ten to twelve years, because the object is that as long as your character is alive, you’re in the game. Once your character dies, or gets killed in that particular game, you’re out. So, you can imagine that if a person loses touch with reality and now they’ve actually become that character, guess what? Anything that happens to that character now happens to them.

And there’s overwhelming evidence. Psychiatrists and psychologists both tell us that there’s overwhelming evidence showing that a lot of teenage suicides that are caused by Dungeons and Dragons are caused because the player has finally lost touch with reality. And what’s happened to them now, they actually feel a psychic bond with that character and so the character gets killed off and no longer in the game and you have no purpose. Because all your purpose for the last ten to twelve years was playing Dungeons and Dragons. So your character gets knocked off. Guess what? So do you.”

You can watch the lecture here.

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