Occult symbols: Modern Jewellery (part seven)

“This is again a symbol of the triple goddess and the reason why I say this is because you’ll see that there are three crescent moons. Remember that their highest goddess is a goddess called Diana. There’s her symbol. There’s one, two, three and then there’s the circle of life. Oh, wait a minute! Isn’t that the same symbol that is used for hazardous waste material? Huh! You know, let’s get something straight here. God doesn’t need symbols. God does not need symbols to identify things of His realm. Who needs symbols? We do! Man has been a symbolic creature ever since history began. We’ve needed something to represent this and some other symbol to represent that because somehow or another we can’t tell one thing from the other without a symbol. We call them now logos. Everywhere you look. Every particular company has got a particular logo that identifies them and separates them from something else. We are very symbolic.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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