“The Rothschild relationship to the Jews is deceiving. The family stance is publicized as ‘pro-Jewish’, and they have given abundant charity to Jewish causes. But their support of the Jewish race has, in most cases, been used for the sole purpose of controlling the direction and profiting them from the Jews. The Rothschilds have been described as the royal family of the Jews. Many leading Rothschilds have been dubbed ‘King of the Jews’. But what kind of Judaism do the Rothschilds support? Do they support the orthodox Jews who believe in the Old Testament and are waiting for the return of the messiah? No. Do they support Messianic Jews who believe Jesus Christ was the messiah who came to save all men? No. The Rothschilds support those Jews who have fallen prey to the deceptive gnostic and occultic teachings of Cabalism, and in turn support the Illuminati controlled Zionist movement. Not all Zionists are part of the conspiracy, but their leaders are, and the ultimate leaders of the Zionists have been the Rothschilds.
I am disappointed by some researchers, who automatically coin the conspiracy a ‘Jewish’ one. This unfortunate stumbling block has polluted their work, making it just as misleading as the information put out by the popular media. These researchers seem blinded by the fact that the conspiracy has abused and manipulated the Jewish race more than any other group in the history of the world. The hierarchy of Jews has sat back and allowed the attack on, and control of the Jewish masses for the furtherance of Satan’s agenda. I am saying this to let you see that I am not anti-Semitic. I believe that there are people who call themselves ‘Christians’ who are part of the conspiracy, at the same token there are people who call themselves ‘Jews’ who are part of the conspiracy. To call the conspiracy ‘Jewish’ is ignorant. I believe the Rothschilds to have been involved in Cabalism, Jewish Sabbatism, or Frankism, all of which are involved in witchcraft. This belief is strengthened by the Rothschild’s use of the occultic Seal of Solomon as a family symbol. The city in which the Rothschilds originated, Frankfort, was deeply anti-Semitic. The Rothschilds were constantly striving to overcome the boundaries put on them because of their culture. It is very likely this berthed a bitterness in their hearts towards ‘Christian’ society. This bitterness, and the need to facilitate more profit and power were most likely the reasons why they accepted the idea of a Jewish state. (I will assume that the readers understand that the Zionism/restoration of Israel concept is an unbiblical sham.)”
The House of Rothschild and Israel (part one)
“The Rothschild relationship to the Jews is deceiving. The family stance is publicized as ‘pro-Jewish’, and they have given abundant charity to Jewish causes. But their support of the Jewish race has, in most cases, been used for the sole purpose of controlling the direction and profiting them from the Jews. The Rothschilds have been described as the royal family of the Jews. Many leading Rothschilds have been dubbed ‘King of the Jews’. But what kind of Judaism do the Rothschilds support? Do they support the orthodox Jews who believe in the Old Testament and are waiting for the return of the messiah? No. Do they support Messianic Jews who believe Jesus Christ was the messiah who came to save all men? No. The Rothschilds support those Jews who have fallen prey to the deceptive gnostic and occultic teachings of Cabalism, and in turn support the Illuminati controlled Zionist movement. Not all Zionists are part of the conspiracy, but their leaders are, and the ultimate leaders of the Zionists have been the Rothschilds.
I am disappointed by some researchers, who automatically coin the conspiracy a ‘Jewish’ one. This unfortunate stumbling block has polluted their work, making it just as misleading as the information put out by the popular media. These researchers seem blinded by the fact that the conspiracy has abused and manipulated the Jewish race more than any other group in the history of the world. The hierarchy of Jews has sat back and allowed the attack on, and control of the Jewish masses for the furtherance of Satan’s agenda. I am saying this to let you see that I am not anti-Semitic. I believe that there are people who call themselves ‘Christians’ who are part of the conspiracy, at the same token there are people who call themselves ‘Jews’ who are part of the conspiracy. To call the conspiracy ‘Jewish’ is ignorant. I believe the Rothschilds to have been involved in Cabalism, Jewish Sabbatism, or Frankism, all of which are involved in witchcraft. This belief is strengthened by the Rothschild’s use of the occultic Seal of Solomon as a family symbol. The city in which the Rothschilds originated, Frankfort, was deeply anti-Semitic. The Rothschilds were constantly striving to overcome the boundaries put on them because of their culture. It is very likely this berthed a bitterness in their hearts towards ‘Christian’ society. This bitterness, and the need to facilitate more profit and power were most likely the reasons why they accepted the idea of a Jewish state. (I will assume that the readers understand that the Zionism/restoration of Israel concept is an unbiblical sham.)”