Fr. Kelvin Ugwu points at the greatest present age attacks on the Church and calls us to speak out

On his Facebook page, Nigerian Catholic priest, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu mentioned the greatest present age attacks on the Church and calls us to speak out. This is his post of Thursday, 11th January:

“The greatest attacks on the Church or the Body of Christ in this present age are:

1. Faking miracles to deceive

2. Exaggerating testimonies/lies

3. Concocting prophesies in God’s name

4. Prosperity gospel

5. Homosexuality

6. Sexual abuse of minors

7. Brainwashing/Hypnotizing people

8. Financial extortion

It is our collective responsibility as Christians to ensure that anyone involved in any of the above is called to order, be it minister or lay faithful.

You are not attacking the church when you call out ministers who are faking miracles, faking prophecies, extorting church members, raping girls, or promoting homosexuality. You are in fact, sanitizing and saving the church from their attacks.

Don’t allow them to change the narrative. Don’t allow them to succeed in making you feel you are the bad person or convince you that you are the one attacking the body of Christ. They are simply trying to hypnotize and manipulate you.

There is a difference between attacking the body of Christ and attacking false ministers and false teachings. The latter is what every true Christian is called to do regardless of how powerful the minister thinks he or she is.

If you see lies, point them out. If you see truth, point it out. Don’t sit on the fence. Truth is truth. Falsehood is falsehood. Period!”

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