The Rothschild – Salomon Mayer Rothschild (part one)

“Salomon was the second oldest son of Mayer. Along with the other brothers he was constantly travelling through Europe. What separated him from his brothers was his gift of diplomacy. He was more stately and complimentary than the others. Said one banker of Salomon: ‘Nobody leaves him without being comforted.’ In other words, he knew how to kiss up. It was this fact that led the brothers to send him to Vienna, Austria to establish a relationship with the painfully aristocratic Hapsburgs and with vain Metternich.

Although the Rothschilds had attempted to enter a close business relationship with the Hapsburgs and Austria, the Austrian royalty kept putting them off. Then Salomon came along. He rode in on a wave of new found Rothschild power. Their name had become famous. One person described it as the ‘two magic syllables’. The brothers had become, as one biographer put it, ‘the Archdemons of Progress’. Salomon began to vie for Austrian ties through Gentz and Metternich.

Eventually, Salomon’s diplomacy, Metternich’s lobbying, and the below-cost method earlier used on the Landgrave broke down the wall between the House of Rothschild and the Illuminati Hapsburgs. Austria began to employ the Rothschilds on a regular basis. Salomon moved into Vienna and bought a hotel and a house. Salomon knew how to play Metternich like a piano. He knew the right thing to say at the right time. He knew Matternich’s quirks and prejudices, such as his vanity which Salomon easily manipulated. Pretty soon Metternich and Salomon became close friends. The same goes for Metternich’s right-hand man, Gentz. Gentz and Salomon were ‘inseparable’. Salomon was also a Freemason. It came to the point where Austria became so controlled by the Rothschilds that the government did not want to refuse the brothers anything.

In 1816 Amschel, Salomon, Carl and James received a title of nobility from the Hapsburgs.”

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