Dr Ryan Cole about Covid-19 vaccines at the International Covid Summit III at the European Parliament (part two)

“How many, how many people in this room, know about the Trusted News Initiative, please raise your hand? Okay, that’s about half the room, that’s more than most audiences. The reason why you haven’t heard most of the things that you’ve heard today is because the media is in collusion with whatever the powers that be in preventing you from getting that information.

All right. Next question then. Let’s talk about the monster in the room – spike protein and cancer mechanism potentials. How many people in this room, after the roll-out of the injections, have a friend, a colleague, a patient who had an unexpected cancer, a very aggressive cancer? Please show of hands. Wow! Let the record show for those who can’t see the room, that that’s more than half of the room. So, who’s the pathologist? The pathologist is the most important doctor that you never meet, that you always hope is right. And I’m honoured to be here with my esteemed colleagues. Ah, we’re the quality control medicine. We’re the ones that if we see something, we say something, whether it’s convenient or not. And why does it matter? Because it’s your life and death between our eyeballs. It’s what we do every day. All good science begins with observation. My colleagues here, and I want to thank Dr. Burkhart and his group because they were the first to really start pointing out these vaccinal harms and the deaths due to the spike protein. Thank you Dr. Burkhart [applause].

I was at a meeting in Texas just two days ago, and more pathologists were there. I was at another meeting recently. Pathologists are seeing this. Some of these are still afraid to say something because of loss of profession or job. Clinical observation – the cancer rates are off the charts and growing and it’s really unfortunate. The insurance data sets out of Germany show a marked increase in unexpected cancers as well.

Colleague Dr. Diglish, an oncologist in the Uk. I met him a couple of months ago. He’s seeing astounding numbers of very aggressive cancers in his population. Now, this is somebody who has been doing oncology for 40 years. So, when you see something, you say something. He has spoken out. It’s time to stop these shots.

Here’s work from the Ethical Skeptic. Some very good data crunching. I’m going to show you four graphs, and all four of these show the increasing trends over expected averages in cancers plied from data from the CDC. Here we have another graph. See, in 2021, something interesting happened, and here you have the upward trend and these are reported carcinomas over expected in trends. Here we see the same thing. Do you see that line going upwards since 2021? What happened in mid-2021? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe mandates of an experimental, biological product, injected into billions of people around the world. Oh, let’s look at another one. Hmmm, same thing. That is not an anecdote, my friends. That is not anecdote.”

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