Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel replies to the question ‘What is your view of Pope Francis’s controversial comments on homosexuality?’ (part two)

“I’m just a little bishop. If I say something, yeah, it’s going to have some effect, but when the Pope says it, I’m nowhere near the Pope. I’m a little boy here. He’s big. The whole world listens to him. The whole world looks up to him. So, when he talks, the whole world listens. When I talk, well on Tik Tok, 1.5 million people listen [laughs]. Actually, the other day somebody sent me a snapshot of this Tik Tok, I don’t know what it is. Billy Graham—have you heard of Billy Graham? So, anyway, they had a snapshot of him. He had 1.4 million views and the good, old bishop – 1.5! Yes, I win! [laughter and applause]. So, from now on, ladies and gentlemen, I need a stadium to start preaching in because, not enough. So, yeah, I know a fair bit but I don’t like to share that with you, in public. I keep it to myself, and I pray the Lord Jesus to have mercy on His beloved Church, on the Catholic Church, Orthodox, on all of us. But it’s not very nice to share everything in public. At the end of the day, we’re supposed to be a family. Regardless of your background, we are a family in Christ and it would not be, a Christian-like act to come and say things about a family member and say something that would be of a negative nature in front of the whole world. I won’t do that. I’ve been saying things throughout the lockdowns, and I’ve been very harsh with the church, the way the church behaved. But for me to go and speak specifically about a religious figure, and that figure to be a Pope, I don’t think it would be very nice of me to do such a thing in public. If I have the opportunity to see Pope Francis, privately, I can assure you I’ll be a different person. And if they want to kill me, so be it. I’ll kiss his feet first, and then I’ll tell him my mind.

Last time I said the Catholic church needs more like Cardinal Vigano. Yeah, it needs more of Cardinal Vigano. But the Lord warned us. The Church will be attacked from inside and outside. The Church will be attacked and it is. We are living in the end of times. The Church is being attacked. So, just don’t look because the Catholic Church is so big, it’s always under the spotlight, but hey the problems are in the Orthodoxy world as well. So, don’t think they are holy people. No! Problems are everywhere. So, we need to pray for the entire Church. We need to pray for the entire Church. Yeah, we need to pray for the entire church.

I’ll always say: there cannot be One World Religion. That is an abomination. That is a denial of Jesus Christ in the core. You cannot share Jesus with any other religion. I don’t care what kind of a position you hold in the church. You have no right. This is bigger than you, my dear friend, much bigger than you. And to accept something that is contradictive to the teachings of Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh, revealed in the flesh, then it is way outside of your jurisdiction. It’s bigger than you. Peter is not bigger than the word of God. Peter was instilled by Jesus Christ in accordance with the word of God, and if Peter veers off, the Lord says ‘I don’t know you. I will rebuke you. I will punish you. I’ll break you, until you repent. I’ll break you, because I love you. But I will break you.’ Because no one is above Jesus Christ. No one. No Popes. No Cardinals. No Bishops. No priests. No one. No one. No one. No one. No heaven. No earth. No hell. Jesus Christ is the sovereign supreme authority over everyone and everything. This will always be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

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