When will the track of the University of Malta be given a facelift and when will it be turned into a professional complex for the Maltese public to train in?

The track that the University of Malta has, makes you feel as if you have just been bombed from the skies during a war:

And then this country boasts of progress. But sports has always been the last point to be given prominence and importance by the government. Not only we are always ranking in top places when it comes to obesity. This nation cannot surely boast of leading a healthy life with fast food outlets and pastizzerias blooming in every corner. We hardly have any public spaces where we can train either, if you are the outdoor type and enjoy a walk or a run.

And then we have the track of the University of Malta, which has always looked the same ever since I was a University student myself, that is, over 25 years ago. While any University should have a top notch sports complex, this cannot be said for the local one.

It is so shameful to see that it is made of tarmac which can highly procure injuries; it is not lit in the evening; the ground at the centre is in a derelict state; and a lot of grown grass in various spots needs to be cut. When will it get a facelift?

Here is a post of the famous, local tri-athlete, and animal activist, Fabio Spiteri who joined Stephen Sammut Nurminen in his 24hrs running in aid of Soup Kitchen, last Sunday. This was the only time that the track had the lights on at night.

When will the University of Malta or the Government, depending under which institution this track falls, transform this sports complex and track in central Malta into a professional one for not only everyone to train in, even late in the evening, but also to attract foreign competitions?

Such complexes should be made available for the general public to train safely in an enclosed space for free or at a reasonable annual fee.

When will sports be made a priority in this country by the institutions and the government ?

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