Times of Malta joins the climate change hysteria fueled by the UN with another doom and gloom headline about the carbon dioxide levels

Times of Malta is following and obeying the UN agenda of climate change hysteria and the UN’s ‘human-induced climate change’ uncritically.

The mainstream media is definitely tagging along with the doom and gloom scenarios of climate change, which then never happen and never materialize, because it likes fearmongering the people so that they fall for the propaganda. Instead, it should be doing some critical thinking, so to blow this propaganda completely out of the water.

The Times is just another uncritical propaganda machine, which is now trying to sell you the product results of a seven-year study that has found that “Current carbon dioxide levels last seen 14 million years ago”. Wow! We must have been born at really the wrong time in history and we must really be the unlucky ones. And the anti-humans like the UN, the WEF, the EU and its MEPs with their media puppet point at us, because we are to blame. In all the years that humanity has been on earth, it had to be us.

Trust that the propaganda machine of the Times is selling you the green deal fantasy and its hysteria of the anti-human UN:

And when the media is selling you an agenda, you all know what you should do.

According to the propaganda machine the Times, according to a large new study published in the journal science, the last time carbon dioxide in the atmosphere consistently matched today’s human-driven levels was 14 million years ago. Trust that this is another inflated, compromised, corrupted, government funded study by government funded so-called green scientists pushing the green murder of the green projects of the go green agenda. Trust that this is another false, ‘scientific’ paper which will be later be proven to be a fraud.

According to the propaganda machine the Times, this new study is painting a grim picture of where Earth’s climate is headed. This is the selling card of the propaganda: fearmongering. The trick is always the same, dear readers.

According to the propaganda machine the Times, this study “covers the period from 66 million years ago until the present, analyzing biological and geochemical signatures from the deep past to reconstruct the historic CO2 record with greater precision than ever before.” Wow! What have we done to get the Earth to this state? We must be a very bad generation of some form of humans. Lead author of the Columbia Climate School’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory stated that this study “really brings it home to us that what we are doing is very, very, unusual in Earth’s history.”

And so, dear readers, comply and do what you are told by these climate alarmists and lunatics while they quote their chosen studies so that you exist by their term and conditions, starve and be killed with their green policies.

And yet, dear readers, neither the propaganda machine the Times, nor any other media and any anti-human propagandists, still haven’t after a relentless campaign of propaganda, shown us the basics: that human emissions [of CO2] drive the alleged global warming.

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