The Rothschild – the House of the Rothschild (7)

“Dalberg was a friend of Mayer and Buderns and had done business with them (his connection to them may have also been occult). Napoleon made Dalberg Primate of the new Confederation of the Rhine, which included Frankfort. As ruler of the region Dalberg protected the Rothschilds from being exposed as traders of contraband and as agents of the House of Hesse-Cassel. When the French cut off trade with England princes on Imports soared. The Rothschilds smuggled goods in and made large profits, with Dalberg keeping guard. ‘It was certainly most remarkable,’ said one biographer. ‘That the Archbishop and Lord of the Confederation of the Rhine, who ruled over sixteen German princes, and stood so high in Napoleon’s favor, should have shown so much good-will to the Jewish Mayer Amschel Rothschild at Frankfort, who, although now a rich man, had no name to move in high and influential circles.’ Despite Dalberg’s protection, Mayer kept two sets of books, one inspectable and the other secret. By 1807 Buderus, as proxy for the Landgrave, was almost exclusively using the Rothschilds for Hesse-Cassel business. Mayer himself would visit the Prince in exile, but since he was getting old he soon had to give up these trips and sent his sons on the journeys. The House of Rothschild was collecting the income of the wealthiest prince in Europe less than half a century after Mayer had begun building his fortune!

The satanic House of Rothschild’s Illuminati dealings at this time are well exemplified by their involvement with the second Tugenbund League. The first Tugenbund League (or Virtue League) was formed in 1786 as a kind of sex society. The group would meet at Henrietta Herz’s home (her husband was an Illuminati Jew who was the disciple of the powerful occultist Moses Mendelssohn). Many Illuminists attended this ‘Virtue’ League. A number of young Jewish women whose husbands were always away on business would come to the Herz’s house to participate in the immorality (two members were daughters of Moses Mendelssohn). Frequenters of this ‘salon’ included revolutionary Freemason Mirabeau, William von Humbolt, and Frederick von Gentz who was to become an important Rothschild agent. Later on, I will discuss Gentz in further detail. In 1807 the second Tugenbund League was formed. This League pursued ‘moral-scientific’ and political aims. The main aim being the deliverance of Germany from French occupation. The League was formed by Baron von Stein who was its principle ‘protector’. Thomas Frost wrote in SECRET SOCIETIES OF THE EUROPEAN REVOLUTION that ‘The Initiations [into the second Tugendbund] multiplied rapidly, and the League soon numbered in its ranks most of the Councillors of State, many officers of the army, and a considerable number of the professors of literature and science….A central directorate at Berlin, presided over by Stein, had the supreme control of the movement, and exercised, through provincial committees, an authority all the more potent from emanating from an unknown source, and which was obeyed as implicity as the decrees of Emperor or King.’ The Landgrave William of Hesse-Cassel held an important position in the second Tugenbund. Buderus was also involved. It appears the Rothschilds were members and they were ‘go-betweens for the [Landgrave’s] correspondence on this matter, and made payments in favor of the Tugendbund.’ This put Mayer Rothschild at the head of the propaganda system against Napoleon.”

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