From ‘The Big Freeze’ to ‘Global Warming’ of Time Magazine

Here is how Time magazine has taken us from the Big Freeze to Global Warming.

Isn’t it funny how their climate science changes?

Here is the December 1973 edition:

Then we had the January 1977 edition:

From the Big Freeze, we got to ‘How to Survive the Coming Ice Age’. This was in April of 1977:

In December 1979, Time magazine gave us “The Cooling of America”:

In the 1980s, the narrative changed to heated temperatures. In the October 1987 front cover, Time told us that “The Heat is On”:

Then, the fearmongering about the new coined term ‘global warming’ started. Here is the cover for April 2001:

Time then climaxed the global warming narrative, telling the public to become worried, very worried in April 2006:

Two years later, in April 2008, the global warming narrative was kept on being sold to the public. This time, Time magazine resorted to giving the public some tips:

Can someone explain how we went from one to the other?

The climate change scam has been going on for decades. The only thing that has changed is the amount of taxes that we pay. Have you ever noticed how your license keeps on becoming more costly yearly, because of the ‘carbon emissions’ they have implemented? Do you realize that you are being robbed?

To their climate scientific fraud, we must simply tell them that climate change happens four times each year. My favourite one is the ‘global warming’ that happens in late April or beginning of May.


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