Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (8)

The breakdown of the family

All this has disappeared: no young member of a modern family has ever even heard of what life was once like. What was believed. What was hoped for. On the other hand, where are the grandparents, who once looked after their grandchildren and transmitted to them the memories of their ancestors, their wisdom, their simple religiosity? It was the grandparents who brought their grandchildren to pray before the image of Our Lady, taught them prayers, how to make an examination of conscience, how to pray a Requiem – “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord” – when passing in front of a cemetery, the meaning of obedience to parents, of honesty, of keeping one’s word.

Freemasonry has eliminated the elderly, turning them into commodities for the care facility business or exterminating them with the gene serum or forced ventilation. Their absence, for decades now, has been accompanied by a frontal attack against the woman, in her role as wife and mother: another element of cohesion of the family demolished, another bulwark torn down. The attack on the father figure – which used to be modeled on the authority and goodness of God the Father – was carried out through the corruption of morals, through pornography and promiscuity, and finally – having cut the umbilical cord that binds sexuality to the conjugal relationship for the purpose of procreation – the man, the husband, the father, the citizen was further destroyed by stigmatizing his “toxic masculinity,” effeminating him, castrating him in both his will and intellect; first by putting the means (the legitimate pleasure of the conjugal act) before the natural end (procreation), and then by substituting the means for the end.

And children, separated from their working parents, find in television, on the internet, on social media, through apps, at school – indeed everywhere – a new oracle, an entity that relieves them of the responsibility of choosing and tells them what to think, what to want, and against whom to direct their frustrations. Et inimici domini domestici eius – and one’s enemies will be those of his own household (Mt 10:36). This entity – to which power would like to attribute almost divine characteristics, simulating the faculties of human intelligence – proposes a new environmentalist creed, exalts new “green” and “woke” virtues, points to new masters, and celebrates its liturgies. Because it stands as a religion and as such requires from the faithful their assent and their obedience to its ministers.”

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