Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (5)

The sin of modern and contemporary man

The colossal fraud that has been hatched against modern man is in no way different from the one that marked the fall of our first parents: believing the lie as such, subverting the divine order. We have not been deceived by a new lie, because the same deception has been evident from the beginning: to become sicut dii by eating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or to pretend that surgical amputations can transform a man into a woman is substantially the same deception, as is offering our firstborn to Baal or killing them in the womb so as not to increase the carbon footprint.

What Satan asks of us is not so much to perform a reprehensible action, but to make us do it by accepting as true that it does not have consequences: throw yourself from this tower, and your angels will come to support you. Get vaccinated with this experimental serum, and you will be making a gesture of love. Buy a child with surrogate pregnancy, and you will be a parent. Give up your freedom, and you will be free. Buy what you cannot afford and will put you in debt forever, and you will be happy. Shut up your elderly mother in a care facility, and she will be looked after by staff who will make her feel good. Let your children change their sex, and they will feel fulfilled. Let the state be secular and legislate without conditioning on the part of the Church, and harmony will reign among the faithful of all religions.

None of these promises has even the semblance of truth: they are all lies, and as such the Prince of Lies wants us to accept them, because with them we accept the subversion of the divine order. That is why it is not a mistake, but a sin for which we are morally responsible.”

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