Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (3)

Satan the illusionist

Let us not, therefore, judge the apparent “happy living of those who are evil” of Psalm 36 as a sign of inevitable defeat: this impressive deployment of forces, this scenography that seems  so realistic, this impressive choreography, all constitutes the only resource from which the great liar can draw – illusion – and the only way to induce us to believe that he is powerful and invincible. He is a great magician, this is certain: but as such he can amaze us as an illusionist, deceive us with his tricks, which, once they are off the stage and seen in the light of day reveal their pathetic inconsistency.

The trick of pulling a rabbit out of a hat or the spectacle of a woman sawed in two only work as long as the audience remains at a distance, letting itself be deceived by the dim lighting and theatrical gestures of the magician – and so it is also with the mantras of respect for the environment, the health of citizens, and universal brotherhood. On the other hand, who among the spectators at a “magic” show or someone who lingers on the subway to watch a performer play the game of the three little cups would think that the “tricks” are real? Who would give credit to a Doctor Dulcamara who proposes, as in Donizetti’s work, a drug that is “a cure for toothaches, an admirable liquor, and a powerful destroyer of mice and bedbugs?” (Felice Romani, L’elisir d’amore, scene V, Dulcamara).

Fiction – or, more precisely, a fraudulent sale, because that is what it is – is the mark of Satan’s trade. Comprate il mio specifico, per poco ve lo do – Buy my item; I’ll give it you for a little money. This trickster dealer – and along with him all his servants, who are no less busy selling their concoctions – reminds us of certain  characters  who  until  some  time  ago,  in the parking lots of the motorway restaurants, offered the unwary a video recorder for a few euros, which then turned out to be a casing weighed down by a brick; or those who, in exchange  for a  sum  for  the processing of  the notarization, promise in an email to give the reader the inheritance of an African millionaire who has just passed away.

But if we all know perfectly well that behind these high‐sounding promises there is only a fraud against us, why are there still those who believe in  them? Wasn’t the efficacy of the  experimental mRNA serum mass inoculation equally patently false? Isn’t the narrative about the energy crisis, achieved by imposing sanctions on Europe’s largest exporter of natural gas equally ridiculous? Is not environmental fraud grotesquely unfounded? Yet, looking around, it  seems that many, many people are more than willing to believe the lies of these Dulcamaras, these fairground hucksters who from the World Economic Forum or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the European Union or the World Health Organization, extol the virtues of their miraculous filters: universal income, abolition of poverty, the defeat of disease, and global

peace. Only to discover that we must pay that universal income by going into debt and giving up private property, that their “abolition of poverty” leads to the  misery of individuals and nations, that Big Pharma wants us to be chronically in need of medical care, and that the peace of the New World Order means perpetual war.”

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