Archbishop Viganò on how the Satanic New World Order, Globalism and Freemasonry are destined to fail (10)

Exsurge Domine

In the face of the abdication of civil authority, there are many groups around the world that are organizing to oppose violations of fundamental freedoms, denounce them where possible, and coordinate aid to those who are ostracized because of their resistance. It is not a substitution of authority, nor a form of sedition: it is the necessary response – waiting for better times – of those who see their future, their goods, and their very life threatened.

I considered it my duty as a pastor to take a similar initiative in the ecclesial sphere, founding the Exsurge Domine association to counter the inverted, reverse persecution that priests and traditional religious are suffering from the Bergoglian sect because of their fidelity to the Church of Christ, which is today infested with traitors, corrupt individuals and mercenaries.

Exsurge Domine, under my personal patronage, wants to help clerics, religious, monks and nuns who have been deprived of their means of subsistence, expelled from their monasteries, and made the object of persecution from their superiors because they are linked to the apostolic liturgy or because they are not willing to deny the charism of their order. Parish priests who from one day to the next are removed from their parish, nuns on whom Rome imposes a progressive abbess, clerics reduced to the lay state without due process and with slanderous accusations: all these good souls, in love with the Lord and faithful to the Church, need material help, spiritual support, and legal and canonical assistance.

I ask all of you to be promoters of this initiative, along with your acquaintances and friends, and to contribute according to your possibilities to the financing of our first project: the construction of a monastic village in the province of Viterbo to welcome the female Benedictine community of Pienza. Your support, along with your prayers, will enable these good priests and religious not to succumb to the Bergoglian purges and to be able to carry out the ministry or follow the charism that they have generously chosen following God’s will.


I would like to conclude my speech by referring to this very place, Pontmain, where on January 17, 1871, the Virgin Mary appeared under the title of Our Lady of France.

Shortly thereafter, on March 18, 1871, the Franco‐Prussian war would end with the defeat of Napoleon III and the riots of the following March would give rise to the Paris Commune. In that circumstance French Freemasonry (of socialist inspiration and tied to the centers of cultural power) organized a revolution which was however drowned in blood the following May following the intervention of the Versailles government on the orders of English Freemasonry (which was liberal and tied to institutional power).

Today that rift between different Freemasonries has been overcome by a pactum sceleris that unites them – concilium fecerunt in unum (Ps 70:10) – with the common goal of completing the establishment of the New World Order, a necessary premise for the reign of Antichrist.

The Blessed Virgin, in her apparition at Pontmain, said nothing. At her feet was an open scroll with gold letters that read: “Pray, my children. God will answer you very soon. My Son allows His Heart to be touched.” Well, even today these words of comfort remain true and valid: the Lord will respond very soon, because there are many good souls who, in this phase of apostasy and crisis of authority, are waking up from the torpor in which they have remained for far too long.

The infernal fraud of globalism is doomed to total failure: on this point there can be not the slightest doubt. The Babel of the New Order will collapse under the weight of his lies, the unmistakable mark of the work of the devil. The task that falls to us is to proclaim the truth, to remind the world that salvation comes only from Christ, the Prince of Peace, whose Lordship over the nations and over the Church, which has been usurped by a rebellious and corrupt authority, must be restored.

May the Most Blessed Virgin, the Queen of Victories and the Mediatrix of all Graces, hasten the end of this tribulation, so that her words spoken at Fatima in 1917 may be fulfilled: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

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