The agony flight of the birds in Mosta last night after the butchering of the trees

Last night, various and many birds were seen flying above the now naked and butchered Mosta trees.

BirdLife had already “‘pleaded” with the authorities to stop the work as at this time of the year thousands of White Wagtails (Zakak Abjad), Common Starlings (Sturnell) and Spanish Sparrows (Għasfur tal-Bejt) find refuge in the trees during the night when they roost together in safety.”

“This is the only roosting site for White Wagtails outside of Valletta and the idea of removing them is wrong, while the timing is even worse.”

Here is a video taken late in the evening, showing you the birds flying above what was once their home for the night:

It felt so sad. I am sorry, nature, and God’s creation, for what greed and power are doing to you. I am truly sorry. I could feel your pain, your exhaustion, your uncertainty, while you hovered high above.

This is the post which accompanies the video:

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