While MEPs, governments and unelected entities blame the peasants for the alleged climate change, Prince Harry used an oil tycoon private jet to attend a Katy Perry concert

Prince Harry, accompanied by his wife Megan, has addressed the climate change crisis at the United Nations in New York. He talked about the climate change and its impact on vulnerable communities.

Prince Harry said “our world is on fire” in an address at the United Nations in New York for Nelson Mandela Day. “As we sit here today, our world is on fire, again, and this crisis will only grow worse unless our leaders lead,” the Duke of Sussex said.

But he flew there by an oil tycoon’s private jet.

And it does not end here. We also get to know that he took an oil tycoon’s private plane to fly 240 miles to a Katy Perry gig in Las Vegas despite their robust position on green issues.

Even though Prince Harry, the U.N. and other unelected entities, MEPS and the governments have been lecturing the peasants about how “human-induced climate change” was to blame for the world being “on fire” due to CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, Prince Harry had used an oil tycoon’s private jet on Saturday to go to a Katy Perry concert.

The fact that these climate totalitarians never live up to their rhetoric clearly demonstrates that the “human-induced climate change” narrative is entirely focused on undermining the economic prosperity, individual freedom, and living standards of the emerging neo-feudal peasant class rather than on preserving the environment.

What sheer hypocrites!

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