The 1666 Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati History – part four

Host: “Now at this time, 1790, the Rothschilds were already well and established as nation crushers and they had already backed the Jacobins in their revolt against the King of France. They had already begun with dealings with Cromwell and the rest. I mean how was their activity monitored by these people and where did they come in with all this money?”

Guest: “Okay. Well Adam Weishaupt took the money from the Rothschilds in founding the Illuminati in Bavaria. He was financed by the Rothschild but the instruction came from Jacob Frank himself.”

Host: “Now the Rothschild had already been rich for a generation already and I mean were they handed their fortune or did they build it themselves or was it a mix of both? I mean who gave them their start over in Frankfurt and handover?”

Guest: “Their start came through the history of them coming from families which were involved in the financing of trade. They were always involved in trade finance, which goes back all the way to the very early days of the settlements where people were travelling through the middle of the Khazaria coming in and out. It was the Jews who were present in Khazaria at that time, before the embracing of Judaism, were the ones who financed the business. They put money up because the Jews were money lenders of old, because they could charge interest on it. The Muslims didn’t lend on interest. The Christians wouldn’t lend on interest. But the Jews would, you see. So they were ready to risk their money on a loan to finance transactions and so mainly from money-lending is how trade finance is the way that the Rothschild began to build their fortune. Of course he made a fortune out of the battle of Waterloo. I don’t know if you know that.”

Host: “Yes, I do. I know that they imploded the stock market and bought it all back at pennies on the pound.”

Guest: “Indeed, they sent a false messenger into the London Stock Exchange. In today’s age you would have gone to jail for doing this of course. But they sent a messenger saying that the British had lost the battle of Waterloo. The stock market plummeted. He bought everything up for pennies. And then the real messengers arrived and said that they’ve won and the stock exchange went up and he sold it all for cash which he swapped them for gold. I mean if you have people who are prepared to cheat and steal from people and defraud people, then you can probably be quite successful in this world. And the thing about the Kabbalah is that it does say that there is no such thing as evil. You know these people have a belief that says evil is in the mind of the gentile. And it’s only because of their lack of spiritual enlightenment, that they believe that people are evil or that evil exists. But if they were of a better mind, they would not see these things as evil. So it all comes down from these teachings of Kabbalah which says that in this world there is no evil or it even says in another slightly different spin on the same thing – it says that evil in the world is there from the left hand of God. And because God has a left hand where all evil comes from, if we work evil in the world, we are doing God’s work in the world. We are working His left hand. This is absolutely true. You can study the Kabbalah and you will find that these are core teachings, fundamental, not extreme to one side. These are very, very central to the core because they say God is infinite without personality, and therefore evil exists. And they use the Kabbalah as the basis for understanding evil in the world and they say it exists but it’s not really evil. And specifically the Lurian Cabala. And you will find that these people believe the same thing throughout time.”

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