How we have been prepared for the Digital Platform

Everywhere we go, we are already using preprogrammed vouchers for check-in and check-out, which you can only use where it is specified.

Because it is a private company, censorship is inevitable with such a digital platform that disseminates information. How come? Think back to the printing press’s invention. Technology is displacing people.We already use pre-programmed check-in and check-out vouchers wherever we go, but you can only use them in certain structures. Technology is what gave rise to printing.

What was the outcome of the printing press’s invention? Up until that point, the power structures were reading the Bible for you and telling you that you goota pay this priest an X amount of favors and he’ll forgive your sins. That became a bribery system, which is why Martin Luther was so upset when he pinned his thesis to the wall. The printing press upset this power dynamic because people could read the Bible for themselves and realized that the power structures were manipulating what was written to control people.

Although printing was a good invention for humanity at the time, it caused thirty years of war in Europe because it upset the established order to the point where people started to rebel. This thirty years of conflict resulted in the Reformation, and the rest is history.

What is today’s press? It is the internet which brought about the decentralization of information which is causing a disruption in power structures, as is the decentralization of cryptocurrency. We no longer have those absolute monarchies because of the way that control was still possible after the printing press was reformed, albeit obviously not to that extent. But because the money supply was regulated, control was still somewhat feasible in a nation state setting.

These power structures are being upended and driven toward conflict by the development of the internet, which has resulted in the decentralization of information and, more specifically, the decentralization of currency in the form of cryptocurrencies. The powers that be had to fight to maintain their hold on power when the thirty-year war broke out, but they ultimately lost it when the printing press was developed. But as their hold on power grew weaker, they turned extremely vicious in an attempt to maintain it. The infrastructure that allows for a checkpoint Charlie Society is in place today, so when the CBDCs are implemented, it will already exist because people were so afraid that they willingly allowed vaccination control to be implemented. This allows them to hold onto power because everything is about to become decentralized, including the media (which is the narrative) and the economy through cryptocurrency.

Therefore, those in positions of authority, who are waning, must take firm action. It’s a hybrid war, an internal civil war fought over information and truth. Decentralization in contrast to centralization. It is a matter of up against down, of the powerful against the weak.

In the end, this is a game of numbers, so we have to leave. We hope that in the long run, everyone on the planet will live in a different, better world. We must overcome the current phase of the powerful trying to hang onto their position in order to get there.

We need to eliminate them once and for all.

X (Formerly Twitter)