Father Altman responds to his critics and sticks to his guns that Pope Francis is not the pope (3)

“That Donald Wuerl still prances around in a cachic of a cardinal and if you are not righteously angry in a spiritual sense, you are the problem because Bergoglio and his buddies have launched a ten-year campaign, a ten-year full frontal assault, on the deposit of faith, the unchanged and unchangeable truth of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, thus launching a full frontal assault on your eternal souls.

Dear family, for those complainers out there, I am not the problem. You are. And you will be held accountable for your failure to love Almighty God enough to get righteously angry when Bergoglio and his boys continue their assault in the godless and the damned Synod on sin and sodomy. But don’t take my word for it. Yes, again, as I always say: don’t take my word for it. Let us hear from the venerable Fulton J. Sheen again: ‘Christian love bears evil but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others but it is not broad-minded about sin. The cry for tolerance never induces it to quench its hatred of the evil philosophies that have entered into contests with the truth. It forgives a sinner and it hates the sin. It is unmerciful to the error in his mind which is nothing other than a restatement of the command of Almighty God who articulated it through the great prophet Ezekiel. You son of Man, I have appointed watchmen for the house of Israel. When you hear me say anything, you shall warn them for me. If I tell the wicked man that he shall surely die and you do not speak out to dissuade the wicked man from his way, he (the wicked man) shall die for his guilt. But I will hold you responsable for his death. But if you warn the wicked man, trying to turn him from his way, and he refuses to turn from his way, he shall die for his guilt but you shall save yourself.’

So, again dear family, when it comes to your eternal souls, it is not that I am too angry. It is that I am not angry enough. So with the words of Jesus, St. John the baptist, the prophet Ezekiel and the Archbishop Fulton J Sheen, fresh in our minds, let us consider the truth I spoke ten days ago when I said to Jorge Bergoglio and every American cardinal except Cardinal Burke, you will fall to your eternal damnation into the unquenchable fires of hell to which I only can say, out of love and concern for the eternal souls you are leading astray, cannot happen soon enough. Dear family, when eternal souls are on the line, when they are endangered by the vipers and mighters – the brood of vipers and mighters – niceties go out the window. And that also applies to Jorge Bergoglio, the bishop of Rome.”

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