Dr. James Wardner’s lecture on freemasonic enemies of America and the World (12)

“A man named Cahill, whose name you may know, said freemasonry is the central enemy of the Catholic Church. Freemasonry, in his own words, is the counter church. In United States of America they control virtually every office of the land. They say they’re not a religion but Albert McKay in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry says indeed they are a religion. And the true mason will support freemasonry as if it is a religion.

In the New Age magazine of February 1918 we read that masonry is more than a religion. Masonry is religion. As you are probably aware, Voltaire said: ‘Our ultimate end is the destruction of Catholicism and even of the Christian ideas.’

One freemason said the Roman Church founded the Romish Church founded on the Galilean myth which began to decay rapidly from the very day in which the masonic association was established. ‘With tongue and purse, with voice and money, interpreted rights Albert Pike, with press and if needs be with a sword, we will advance the cause of human progress. Freemasonry is the church of human progress; and labor to enfranchise human thought, to give freedom to the human conscience above all from papal usurpation. Freemasonry is the soul, the unifying element, the energizing force of liberalism and above all anti-Christian movement. Thus the true masonic doctrine, says Reverend Cahill, is the divinity of man.

Now we’re seeing a global spirituality, which we know from its own words, is a focus and purpose of freemasonry. Freemasonry, the religion of the devil, promoting the tower of Babel in a universal religion.

Know your faith and promote your faith and challenge others as to the Truth. And God will support you in that because He is the Truth and the Way and the Life and He is the only way and there is no other. And that’s something we must cling to, in these last days.”

The lecture can be watched here.

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